

If I mod my self balancing remote controlled robot to look like Claptrap and youtube it WILL I GET A FREE COPY OF THE GAME?

I can field this one, the answer is yes.

Mikey Neumann (mikeyface) on Twitter

Free copy for making a Borderlands costume, but you don't have much time -- ends this Wednesday.

Mikeyface Steam / Twitter Contest

I feel like the first 5 people that make bad ass claptrap costumes will just get a copy on the spot. That I have to see!

rapher, thanks for taking time out to answer a few questions.


are you a DEV or marketing guy?

What caused the big change? I got a 360 video from a looooong time ago that had realistic graphics of some girl with half her faced burned off. When did they change the graphics so drastically, and for what reason?

are you a DEV or marketing guy?

What caused the big change? I got a 360 video from a looooong time ago that had realistic graphics of some girl with half her faced burned off. When did they change the graphics so drastically, and for what reason?

The project was underway when I joined the team. However, once on the team, I served as the project’s associate producer.

That trailer was a target render, not in-game graphics.

The official story that's been told repeatedly by Randy Pitchford is a group of the art team broke off and worked on a "unique" way to render the graphics so that the game resembled the concept artwork.

I can sort of buy into this, I mean imagine if you could make a Star Wars game that made it look like a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting Star Wars - A New Hope

However, look at the way Unreal Engine based games generally come out looking like a mod of UT3 when they attempt to be "photo realistic", the game definitely needed something to set it apart from other shooters as well, it's risky of them but after you get over the "ewww cell shaded" way of thinking it does suit the style of the game pretty well.

are you a DEV or marketing guy?

What caused the big change? I got a 360 video from a looooong time ago that had realistic graphics of some girl with half her faced burned off. When did they change the graphics so drastically, and for what reason?

I'm a developer in the trenches!

Your question is a good one, and one I was just recently asked in an interview (Borderlands Interview :: Skewed & Reviewed). My response:

So, late last year, we realized that Borderlands was becoming something really special. We understood the shooter component, and the RPG component was maturing quickly. We wanted to build on this, so we added an extra character class and expanded the world significantly. With that, most of the work relied heavily on the programming and design teams. Most of our art assets were already created, so the artists were chomping at the bit to contribute as well. The result was a revisit to the art style.

One thing the artists noticed is that we had all of this awesome concept art, much of which was not translated justly into the game. Truth be told, the concept art was cooler than the end result. But, to be fair, we see this a lot – just take the car industry. We’ve all seen these awesome concept cars, but once everyone is involved, it usually boils down to something more practical.

Well, the artists (and a few coders) set out to change this! Independently, and on their own accord, they created a prototype of the unique art style seen today. While a major departure from our previous effort, there was no question the end result was simply fantastic! The new styled oozed character, and reaffirmed the tone of Borderlands. Still, this was a huge risk.

Luckily, the redesigned art style resonated well at Gearbox, but we had to convince our publisher, 2K Games, that this was a good move. Admittedly, we probably couldn’t have done it with any other publisher. Not too far off Bioshock’s release, 2K was feeling more confident in a new, unique style, and in the end, they agreed to the change. Almost a year later, we have an amazing looking game with a unique, concept art style!
I can't get past FPS/RPG hybrid combat. It always looks so slow to me. I played Fallout 3 and used VATS almost the entire way through because I can't stand when I'm stuck using inaccurate, pea shooters in first-person. Maybe it's all my years playing first person shooters, but when I'm in that perspective I get frustrated without headshots and near instantaneous kills. I don't mind the cel-shaded graphics style, however. I actually think the rest of the game looks rather good.
will there be more content being made after release? (preferably free)

While I obviously can’t reveal specifics, we do have plans for post-release content.

Can you have 2 of the same classes in coop or does it have to be 1 of each?

Sure! In fact, you can have any combination of 4 characters. If you want 4 Bricks in the game, you can do that. The important thing to note is that by choosing a character class, this is merely a starting point. You can then further define your character and style of play by investing skill points down a tree or choosing specific equipment. You can even visually customize your character. So, in the above example, with four Bricks in the game, they may each have different abilities, skills, equipments, and looks. Pick a character and make it your own. :)

Thanks for answering my question. It seems like an expensive revision, but I'm glad it was done.

Truth is, I was interested in Borderlands way back because I love post-apocalyptic type stuff, but even more interested now because of the art style. I think games these days are trying to be too realistic, which is a poor standard when you can invasion any kind of fantasy you wish.

I also read one DEV interview where some guy said how he got a headshot off with a healing gun. That's such a cool concept.
I can't get past FPS/RPG hybrid combat. It always looks so slow to me. I played Fallout 3 and used VATS almost the entire way through because I can't stand when I'm stuck using inaccurate, pea shooters in first-person. Maybe it's all my years playing first person shooters, but when I'm in that perspective I get frustrated without headshots and near instantaneous kills. I don't mind the cel-shaded graphics style, however. I actually think the rest of the game looks rather good.

I feel inclined to comment here, because in my opinion, this is what really separates Borderlands from other RPG games with shooter elements.

Unlike Fallout 3 or Mass Effect, Borderlands comes from the shooter vector first. That is, it is best described as a shooter with RPG elements added, not the other way around. This distinction is actually really important. To the player, that means we’ve removed all the dice rolls in combat; where you aim is where you shoot. If you’ve ever played a shooter before, you are going to feel right at home. The controls are tight, responsive, and behave as you would expect being a shooter player. More importantly, if you score a headshot on a bandit, for example, you’ll notice that it does critical damage. This is not a coincidence. Players with excellent skills and great aim are rewarded for their accuracy, because this is what makes shooters rewarding and exciting. We wanted to retain that skill, because Gearbox, at its core, makes shooter games first.

With that said, the RPG elements of the game also define level and statistics. Regarding your second point, not every shot is going to be a near instantaneous kill. If you are level two facing a level ten enemy, don’t expect to take them down easily (if at all). You’ll need to become more powerful and get the right gear to stand a chance.

While this may seem odd to a typical shooter player, I think they will also find this equally as rewarding. That is, once you reach level ten, you’ll be the badass when you head back to the level two areas. Then, you can expect instantaneous kills. You can feel your growth, advancement, and achievement. Trust me; it is ridiculously satisfying to destroy an area that once proved troubling!

And don’t worry; Borderlands has a lot of really fast, high octane combat. The earlier areas in the game tend to be a little bit more reserved as you ramp up, but once in, it can get quite frantic. Also, Borderlands features dynamic difficulty scaling, so when you get four players into a game, the enemies get tougher and increase in quantity, so that can be a riot. You’ll also want to try full games because this is where you’ll come across the best loot!
Does the game take into affect what player classes are in the game? Is the dynamic difficulty altered if you have four Bricks playing co-op together?

I assume you guys are using Securom protection, will there be DRM activation / install limits?
While I obviously can’t reveal specifics, we do have plans for post-release content.

Sure! In fact, you can have any combination of 4 characters. If you want 4 Bricks in the game, you can do that. The important thing to note is that by choosing a character class, this is merely a starting point. You can then further define your character and style of play by investing skill points down a tree or choosing specific equipment. You can even visually customize your character. So, in the above example, with four Bricks in the game, they may each have different abilities, skills, equipments, and looks. Pick a character and make it your own. :)

awesome. i will likely buy this game.

Thanks for answering my question. It seems like an expensive revision, but I'm glad it was done.

Truth is, I was interested in Borderlands way back because I love post-apocalyptic type stuff, but even more interested now because of the art style. I think games these days are trying to be too realistic, which is a poor standard when you can invasion any kind of fantasy you wish.

I also read one DEV interview where some guy said how he got a headshot off with a healing gun. That's such a cool concept.

Yeah, I think the art style change has been great for the game. It helps uniquely identify Borderlands visually, and it really allowed us to cut loose regarding character and style. Our zany characters, gear, and quests now feel more appropriate in the universe. Healing bullets seem to make a lot less sense when trying to be hyper-realistic. ;)

P.S. If you have the healing bullet capability (Roland’s cauterize skill), and you score a headshot on a friendly, it does a CRITICAL heal for some extra HP! Again, this helps speak to my comment above regarding Borderlands being shooter friendly. Imagine sniping friendly players across a map for safe healing bonuses! It is absurdly fun.
yep gonna be picking this up on 360

Tell you what –

I’ll be playing Borderlands on the 360 myself. As such, I’ll extend a little promotion we did to TW.

That is, if you provide me with proof that you reserved the game, I’ll play with you around release to drop some sweet loot and unlock the “And They'll Tell Two Friends” achievement for you.

So, take a picture of your receipt (include the date/time), and PM that along with your XBL Gamertag to me.

Again, this is open to all of TW. Also, understand that these things sometimes blow out of proportion, so I’ll continue accepting these until it becomes overwhelming. If there is an absurd number of new members as a result of this, I may not be able to get to everyone. We will just have to see how it goes!
If you can unlock the "Free Xbox360 console" achievement for me, i will reserve the game for the xbox360.
I assume you guys are using Securom protection, will there be DRM activation / install limits?

I take your non-response as a yes, being that it's a 2k published game (Bioshock did it first).

Of course this is going to piss off gamers, especially on Steam but I hope you have de-activation tools ready on release so people can control their own activation / install counters.

With Windows 7 coming out there may be a need to reinstall the game multiple times and some may be installing new hardware and this can cause problems as you're never clear on what changes to a computer will trigger an activation.

Eventually 2k did remove the activation limit on Bioshock so at least you have their track record to lessen the blow.
Thanks for answering the questions, rapher.

As far as the graphics, the old style was fucking bland and boring.

Please, oh please give me another brown and gray "gritty" shooter like the 20-30 that are already on the market. It's impossible to be immersed in a game that has more than a 3 color palette. /sarcasm
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