
another overhyped piece of trash game by Gearbox, just like the rest of em

the game looks like total crap i don't know how you guys get into that

Lemme guess you guys are into rpg's where you click on the spider and watch the attack animations. then you go and do it again 2000 times, so you can watch a status bar slowly rise in order to upgrade to a prettier animation to look at.

Some people don't like to grind repetitive and unimaginative npc's over and over until it feels like a second job.
not really

Gearbox has a reputation of hyping their games up the asshole and failing to deliver. Borderlands isn't going to be any different
not really

Gearbox has a reputation of hyping their games up the asshole and failing to deliver. Borderlands isn't going to be any different

have u watched the gameplay trailers

judge it for yourself based solely on that and not what their dev's promote then
Oh hey, a Borderlands thread. :)

I normally just lurk around here, but if TW has any questions, let me know and I'll be happy to answer any inquiries about the game!

I'm assuming you're associated with the game or 2k in some way or have a review copy...

Are the grenades in the game actually different (the pinata, teleport, electric, etc) or are they mods in the grenade slot?

In coop, everyone gets to keep their xp and items, but do they all get credit for the quests completed, or is it only the host that does?

What's the craziest gun you've found so far? In a video a while back I saw a shotgun that fired electric rounds that traveled along the ground.
Sandwiched between 2 Akuma posts.

This is my nightmare. :scared:

The difference between a trailer and uncut gameplay footage is pretty big.

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all i know is that randy pitchford (founder of gearbox) made some pretty retarded statements about valve + steam not being fair to indie developers :lol: steam has been incredible for indie dev's, he is smoking crack.

borderlands looks cool but somehow i have a feeling its not going to be.
Oh hey, a Borderlands thread. :)

I normally just lurk around here, but if TW has any questions, let me know and I'll be happy to answer any inquiries about the game!

Is there an option to turn off the damage numbers that pop up when you land a shot on an enemy? In this trailer you can see some parts without the numbers and some with, I'd rather have just a regular hit effect than the fountain of numbers.

I think the game looks great. Im not going to pre order, but I am pretty sure I will buy it.

btw, the hype for this game has all been grass roots, for what it's worth. They have a lot of great ideas in this game.
yeah, does it suck ????

its kind of an important question!

You may or may not be sincere with this question, but I’d like to answer it either way. In short, I’m really proud of Borderlands; it is far from sucking.

I’ve spent a long time on this project, and as such, I always expected to be tired of the game upon completion. However, this is not the case. I can’t wait for this game to release and I absolutely cannot wait to play this with friends. To me, this speaks volumes about the quality of this title. After all this time and seeing the game inside and out, I’m still excited!

Borderlands is a title I’ve been waiting on for a very long time, and I’m happy to have had a hand in this. As a shooter fan, the combat loop is fun and solid, so shooter fans will feel right at home. Still, as an RPG fan, I feel the game delivers a great deal of depth, while maintaining the action and accessibility. With a ton of quests, a great reward cycle, and tons of loot, I find Borderlands to be very, very compelling. There is a lot of game here, and I think this title is going to appeal to a lot of people.

sup man. did you help this game get off the ground by any chance?

The project was underway when I joined the team. However, once on the team, I served as the project’s associate producer.

I'm assuming you're associated with the game or 2k in some way or have a review copy...

Are the grenades in the game actually different (the pinata, teleport, electric, etc) or are they mods in the grenade slot?

In coop, everyone gets to keep their xp and items, but do they all get credit for the quests completed, or is it only the host that does?

What's the craziest gun you've found so far? In a video a while back I saw a shotgun that fired electric rounds that traveled along the ground.

Yes, as indicated above, I worked directly on this title (Gearbox Software employee).

There is only one type of grenade (frag). When you find a grenade in world, buy some from a shop, or loot them from a container or enemy, this is all one item type. However, each character can have one grenade mod equipped to augment the functionality of these grenades. There are over one hundred grenade mods; each with their own special abilities. For example, some grenades teleport to their destination (Longbow Grenade MOD), explode into smaller grenades (MIRV Grenade MOD), stick to targets (Sticky Grenade MOD), and so on.

In addition, certain grenade mods can gave additional elemental attributes. So, you could find a Caustic Rain Grenade MOD. This grenade, when coming to rest, will launch itself up into the air and “rain” corrosive damage down on targets below. This is great against armored enemies. Each grenade mod has a manufacturer, abilities, and attributes that uniquely identify the behavior of any thrown grenade.

You are correct; in co-op, everyone keeps earned XP and items from session to session. Regarding quest credit, players always receive completion credit for completing side quests (missions not along the core plot chain) from any game. So, say I’m far into the game, but you just started. Join my game, and you can receive completion credit for helping me complete any side quests. It is that simple. We both get credit.

Now, for core missions, this is slightly different. Players in co-op games can only receive credit for mission completion if eligible. In short, this means that the player needs to complete some prerequisites to earn full credit. Again, with the above example, if I am far into the game working on a critical mission, but you just started, you can join and help me complete the quest. You’ll earn XP and items as normal, but at mission turn-in, you won’t get credit for mission completion because you may be missing some plot critical information or item.

Either way, you are notified of mission eligibility in your mission log, and on join, so this should be very clear to you. With that, it is also important to note that the game does not do relative scaling. So, in the above example, if you survive with me late into the game, you’ve probably leveled up quite a bit and have some awesome loot. The net result is that you will likely be able to head back into your game (or someone else’s game), and easily complete any outstanding quests. Alternatively, I could always join your game, and help you complete these goals easily because I’d be a total badass. :)

In summary, the world state is based on the server. If you are at or beyond the current plot critical quest you’ll receive full credit. You’ll always receive full for side missions. You can always help complete a quest, no matter where you are. As such, it is possible to join games much further in (plot) progress and power level, or hop into games and help friends through previous areas because you have such a kickass character. It is pretty slick and seamless.

In one of my character’s second play through, I found a legendary (super rare) revolver. What makes this thing so unique is that instead of being a typical six-shooter, it is only a “two-shooter”. The revolving part is literally a top bullet over bottom speed-loader. The reload speed is pretty quick, but the accuracy is literally perfect. It always hits on the money, from any range. In fact, it has two iron sights, one on the tip of the barrel, and a cross on the stock. No zoom, just good ol’ fashioned western style shooting. It also has a blade on the front, so melee damage is ridiculous. You can easily decapitate lower level enemies without a hitch.

However, the absolute kicker to this thing is the explosive bullets. Yes, in a revolver with pinpoint accuracy, it has exploding bullets! While it only shoots two bullets before needing a reload (the only downfall, IMO), this gun is quite possibly the most satisfying weapon in any FPS. To me, it is all about pure skill. I still have a riot with this gun, exploding limbs of bandits from range, or trying to shoot rakk out of the sky. Plus, it is worth a crap ton of money, so I like to show it off! :)

Is there an option to turn off the damage numbers that pop up when you land a shot on an enemy? In this trailer you can see some parts without the numbers and some with, I'd rather have just a regular hit effect than the fountain of numbers.

In the shipping game, the numbers are on all of the time. There is no way to turn this off. However, you’ll still get the full array of appropriate hit effects. Both are in play.
why the cell shading (or black line outlining)? to hide shoddy graphics? will there be a no-cell shading mod?

If I mod my self balancing remote controlled robot to look like Claptrap and youtube it WILL I GET A FREE COPY OF THE GAME?