

Veteran XX
Anyone still read them?

If so, what's the last one you read?

I'm old fashioned, I still like book books.
Storm of Steel
Forgotten Soldier
Roadside Picnic

those are my last 3 anyways i kinda read em all together but forgotten soldier that is like my 7th read through
just finished re-reading Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King today

I mostly read on Kindle for Android or other phone app, because I can't beat that level of convenience...but, the next thing I will read is probably a gigantic hardback copy of Papillon

just from the blurb it sounds epic ;o
I saw some statistics on the book industry that made me want to cry, that's why I'm asking... I don't want the book industry to go the way of the music industry :(
been reading A Wise Man's Fear after re-reading The Name of the Wind recently

looking for stuff similar if anyone has some recommends
Under the influence and Bitter Brew. Good reads on the Anheuser Busch family. Rise and fall etc. Covers some cool time periods in our US history.
Retreat to avalon.

It is historical fiction in the authorial legend. Pretty good book.

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Arthurian legend?

also reading/testing

Smoke and Pickles: Recipes and Stories from a New Southern Kitchen
by Edward Lee
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