Bob Saget died.

Did the white hats get him?


Another Rommel death?

Well, it was just speculation on my part

While browsing tru darkoutpost
there was info on Bob Saget when he had a show
that he had with the young Olsen twins
and that he did the naughty with them.

Yepper, he was "SICK" :ugh:,

So he was :reaper:
So apparently he was secretly arrested and executed.

That's how the media reports of one of their own :doom: thru an illness.
This idiot thinks dead boomers are driving evolution. :lol:

Um.... I don't think you're thinking what he is thinking accurately.

Boomers, as you refer to them, have been getting vaxxed since birth. It's more the younger generation who are refusing because they think they're young and healthy and what could go wrong. And as society gets more pussified they're tending to lean to that kind of political view on "I should have the choice" rather than "holy shit vax's have saved the world 20 times over but I didn't pay attention to that part in history class because I was too busy texting..."

I got vaxed, double vaxed, and boosted. I'm a boomer. Why did I do it? Cuz I'm taking care of an 81 year immunocompromised grandfather. I thought it was for a better future. But this thing just keeps mutating and turning into something else like your mom's std's on a saturday night.

You try hard lemon. Often. And most often it doesn't work. But you think it does. Whatever gives you that self given golden star on your fuckin worksheet at night.

But this was just.....

Don't close your eyes before you shoot.
Um.... I don't think you're thinking what he is thinking accurately.

Boomers, as you refer to them,
have been getting vaxxed since birth.
It's more the younger generation who are refusing
because they think they're young and healthy and what could go wrong. :huh:

And as society gets more pussified they're tending to lean to that kind of political view on "I should have the choice" rather than

"holy shit
vax's have saved the world 20 times over
but I didn't pay attention to that part in history class
because I was too busy texting..." :lol:

I got vaxed, double vaxed, and boosted. I'm a boomer. Why did I do it? Cuz I'm taking care of an 81 year immunocompromised grandfather. I thought it was for a better future. But this thing just keeps mutating and turning into something else like your mom's std's on a saturday night.

You try hard lemon. Often. And most often it doesn't work.
But you think it does.

Whatever gives you that self given golden star
on your fuckin worksheet at night?

But this was just..... (Cat chasing Tail) ?

Don't close your eyes before you shoot.
Well "Nico" :picard:
I'm a BOOMER also.
Before I get started on a discourse on your post.
I wish to commend you on your most honorable self sacrifice :angel: care-giving your 81 y.o. grandfather.
It's not EZ being 'overwatch' 24/7 for "grandpa"
> You basically don't have a 'regular' life. :mecry:


........ :Hmm: ...... ???
Ok, here goes ........... The other Alphabet young adults
are led by the "carrot on a stick" narrative

They are many years past or even remembering
why or they that some "shots" so the could go to school. :huh:

Yes , I had my "school shots"
BUT a year or so after entering Elm Sch. .... Horrors :doom:
The Polio epidemic was in full swing. Yikes! :scared:Polio RARELY killed you .... however... left you crippled for life.

These young-uns THINK they have "free will" BUT they are provided with soooo much visual ans social media stimuli that they really don't think or know what's happening.

Kinda like they don't care about Mom's mutating Saturday's mutating "Stds"
as long as "THEY" have their entertainment.

Nico, the family, the blood Clan system is moot.
Today young people follow the narrative, of the one who shouts the loudest
who has access receiving social media info.

ALL systems of Gov. eventually fall
, but the people endure
(those that survive ...... :lol:)

True fact. > Only the strong survive. :signed:
Nico take that Invectamin and that anti-Malaria drug Trump took.

It will start to repair the damage to your body now & for the future
The "JAB" have Mercury, Aluminum, and Graph-in nano tech crap.

Don't be too hard on Lemon tv
OLD people don't get to be "OLD" out of sheer luck. :popcorn:
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Um.... I don't think you're thinking what he is thinking accurately.

Boomers, as you refer to them, have been getting vaxxed since birth. It's more the younger generation who are refusing because they think they're young and healthy and what could go wrong. And as society gets more pussified they're tending to lean to that kind of political view on "I should have the choice" rather than "holy shit vax's have saved the world 20 times over but I didn't pay attention to that part in history class because I was too busy texting..."

I got vaxed, double vaxed, and boosted. I'm a boomer. Why did I do it? Cuz I'm taking care of an 81 year immunocompromised grandfather. I thought it was for a better future. But this thing just keeps mutating and turning into something else like your mom's std's on a saturday night.

You try hard lemon. Often. And most often it doesn't work. But you think it does. Whatever gives you that self given golden star on your fuckin worksheet at night.

But this was just.....

Don't close your eyes before you shoot.

He fell onto the toilet. Jesus Bob.
I love how they all said "no signs of foul play" and it turns out it was unexplained head trauma.
Why would he fall? Most hotels have narrow showers and/or handles everywhere to prevent falling.
Has to be more to the story :lol:

A dude falls hard enough to kill himself but there is no blood? He is lying peacefully on his back in his bed? He didn't text anyone? He just fell on something hard enough to kill him but then just went to bed peacefully to die of the injury? The first reports are no signs of foul play?

I think they know what happened and are withholding it from the media or changed the story due to his fame.


He probably was dead in the bathroom after doing some acrobatics and whacking into the bog. If that's what happened then tell the story. Don't make shit up.
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The reports states he suffered what sounds like a concussion, after sustaining a head injury.

People suffer concussions all the time and think they are ok, but then later on, their condition deteriorates into something much worse.

That's why people who suffer a blow to the head with symptoms of possible concussion are treated with an abundance of caution, even when they feel fine. They take you to the hospital and you usually have someone monitor you regardless. One of the things they often do, is not let the injured person take a nap and look for signs of the injured party getting drowsy.

So, somehow Bob Sagat hit his head hard enough to give himself a concussion. Maybe he stood up too fast and fainted, or maybe bent over and hit his head on edge of something when he stood back up. Not realizing how bad his concussion was, he went to bed and took a permanent nap.

Unfortunate and sad, but understandable and an example of why you should take concussions seriously, even minor ones.
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Yeah I got bumped in the head real hard about 3½ years ago and went to the hospital for a whole week. They wouldn't fucking let me sleep for three days. The conjunctiva in my left eye turned blood red even though nothing hit my eye. I had minor cognitive impairment for a month. I couldn't read for a short while. That was fucking scary as shit