Bob Saget died.

Not sure why they need to report that he had covid over 4 months ago. It's not germane to anything.
Writing for TV in the 90s was bad in general, but when I was a kid and he hosted AFV even at that age I thought the jokes were so awful to the point of discomfort. The show was great though. Bob Saget could have been a normal host without those hammed up jokes and he would have done well. No one liked the jokes, and he was the host for many seasons, but they always made him tell the stupid jokes year after year. Really no reason why he could not have just settled into a go-to host like Regis Philbin was if he left AFV after his run and got a gig where he didn't have to tell bad jokes.
true, but im not sure as a child I would have gotten some of his jokes

"I just made $100.05 sucking dicks

Who gave you the nickel?

They all did"
i fucking LOVE Dane Cook


obviously, right?
dane cook's first album was pretty decent.

enjoyed his bit about going up to a random person in the airport and just whispering in their ear "Don't get on the plane" then walking off.
Good god AFV was so painful. His character and the writing was physically painful to me. That's what was mind-blowing for me to see the Aristocrats and all the comics he hung out with and how they interacted. I felt relieved when I saw him acting like people I would hang with because the person he portrayed on AFV was so nauseating to me.

lmfao thats how i view ur posts except there was no aristocrats or funny friends :(
Holy shit. Anybody who actually likes Dane Cook should be lit on fire and sent to fucking hell. That plus covid for the next 20 years should thin the herd quite nicely.
my problem w/ ur proposal is that, while i don't like dane cook, i like many comedians (basically early 2000s boston doods) who have said they like dane cook
my problem w/ ur proposal is that, while i don't like dane cook, i like many comedians (basically early 2000s boston doods) who have said they like dane cook

He semi started a genre style of comedy. That's why they liked him. Not because he was funny. Because he wasn't. At all. Carrot Top is infinitely more funny than him.
Holy shit. Anybody who actually likes Dane Cook should be lit on fire and sent to fucking hell. That plus covid for the next 20 years should thin the herd quite nicely.

Dane Cook is an idiot, and Covid is definitely thinning the herd. It's like the people that deny natural selection are losing to it.