blizzjews ban freespeech to suck china knob... lulz ensue

ya u would be pro xi littledick u fuckin chink retard

if you piss all over donald trump and flush him down the toilet what do you get

xi jinping littledick
Thankfully EA is still a good corporate citizen with American progressive values and I can pay to play their games without worry

They would never do the exact same thing.
tbh the more dramatically the chinese consumer base captures american megacorporations, the better. it'll leave a market gap for [american values] that smaller companies can pick up. it's probably already responsible for the tv and indie games booms.

like how 90s was dominated by restaurant megafranchises which still exist and make a lot of money but are so bland and monolithic that local restaurants rebounded and filled the demand for human food. you don't hear anyone crying about the new chilis menu or w/e, they just say oh right i don't actually have to eat at chilis.

gamers are just the most entitled of all consumer bases (probably bc games are addictive and no1 wants to admit it) so they think they deserve a good star wars/etc game marketed exactly to them.
ya all these absolute shit tier AAA games and mobile garbage actually leaves room for alot of wholesome indies to shine. if blizz were still original blizz you wouldnt have riot competing with them, POE probably wouldnt exist (cuz diablo would still be good), wow would continue to dominate mmo market, etc
The spirit of Absent is in you.

I actually agree with all of this. Jews only want money. It's the reason the economy will eventually collapse, because of greed. Every civilization that has interest on loans eventually fails because the bubble bursts and the bankers take back all the property. It's the reason Hitler wanted to kill all the jews, because of interest on loans. But we're not supposed to talk about that.
109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250
Expulsions and exoduses of Jews - Wikipedia

they want more than $, they want to destroy all civilization... y else they pushing communism so hard on every1... theres also the scummy shit archvillain jews like soros keep pulling starting wars around the world. theyre litterally that creepy guy from lord of rings corrupting the king dood

jew don't say

it was like we could smell it

i imagine every porn director looks like weinstein lol
df is wrong w/ porn and do not say nething about gay black dick brainwashing because if you watch black dick porn that is your own gay problem between you and ur psychiatrist

do not make me go boomer on this
^^^ Let's just say I'm glad my daughters are not involved in it and if I had a son I wouldn't want them involved either. It perverts and I'm pretty sure a normal couple marriage is ruined for them. Just my values
^^^ Let's just say I'm glad my daughters are not involved in it and if I had a son I wouldn't want them involved either. It perverts and I'm pretty sure a normal couple marriage is ruined for them. Just my values

yah but chicks who would be successful in literally any other aspect of life don't go porn, it's not like it has any draw. it just gives women who would otherwise be in some alley sucking dick for meth a slightly safer way to make a buck for 10 or 15 years while bringing light and joy into the world.

in a way it's like welfare

legalizing prostitution would probably be better for everyone (healthier for consumers, less centralized, less $cammin) and would seriously diminish the porn market but that ain't happening this century
the more you pay attention to porn industry

more disgusting you realize it is

that one retard girl they keep running black trains on (with her comfort animal pony waiting back stage) was about as close to actual retard abuse as anything I have ever seen tbh

if raping a retard is ok.......pulling a train on retards is ok......then I guess the library drag queen story hours and teaching pre schoolers about masturbation isn't that big of a deal either

and that's the entire point and purpose to all this i'm afraid to say

normalizing the worst of human behavior

in fact glorifying it

Jeni Lee was probably smart to move to tunnel system and become mole person versus staying in that profession
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guys, im starting to think anyone from the middle east doesn't have the wests best interests in mind...

oh, and link to comfort animal pony girl?
hains i think was her last name

she barely pushing 50-60 IQ

can barely say her name without drooling

and oddly enough hottest thing going in porn industry atm

she hasn't even started banging the comfort pony yet

cause then Amadeus could help me remember the rest of her name
Blizzard is done. RIOT just fucking yoinked their entire market share with a LoL card game, League Team Shooter, League (mmo?)ARPG and hey, why not throw in a fighting game too. Oh and a TV series--that thing Blizz fans have been asking for forever and all they got was some shit live-action movie which was really popular in China.

Blizzard's best-case scenario is they unveil D4 at Blizzcon but even then, It's 99% guaranteed to just be another D3 because mass appeal > all. PoE will still have them beat.
a tv series too? wtf lol... guess i shoulda expected that tho with how much little side skits they keep making

and ya, reeeally hard to top PoE. that game got content up the ass... not that im into ARP loot grinders, but i see it for what it is... a diabro killer. and with the akk downtime since d3 even the most autist diablo fanbois wouldve jumped to poe by now.
tbh the more dramatically the chinese consumer base captures american megacorporations, the better. it'll leave a market gap for [american values] that smaller companies can pick up. it's probably already responsible for the tv and indie games booms.

like how 90s was dominated by restaurant megafranchises which still exist and make a lot of money but are so bland and monolithic that local restaurants rebounded and filled the demand for human food. you don't hear anyone crying about the new chilis menu or w/e, they just say oh right i don't actually have to eat at chilis.

gamers are just the most entitled of all consumer bases (probably bc games are addictive and no1 wants to admit it) so they think they deserve a good star wars/etc game marketed exactly to them.

chili's and olive garden and macaroni grill are boomer food and no self-respecting millennial wants anything to do with that trash