Black Lives Matter

one problem with your dismal static social darwinist genetic hierarchy is that you aren't even at the top of it, so all of your justifications for why x was fine will just be used on you

idpol is the ultimate participation trophy for people who hate participation trophies, essentialism is nihilism
There goes the black vote

lol holy shit you're so right, they will be so pissed if they can't get no grape cigarillos gg

they banned menthols and flavored wraps in canada its retarded

also u can still get them pretty much everywhere cuz black market
why twitter remove #uncletim from all those progressives' tweets???

leave that shit up for those tolerant non-racist progressives who elected themselves saviors of black folks they feel cant save themselves

This is the mentality of these stereotyping, racist assholes.

and address health disparities experienced by communities of color, low-income populations, and LGBTQ+ individuals, all of whom are far more likely to use these tobacco products ...Acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D., said in a statement.
But you can't apply the same logic and use data backed stats about crime or violence ...
This is fucking gold.
argued the FDA has a "duty" to ban menthols. "These failures to protect children, particularly African American children, from a path to addiction are inexcusable,"

Not going to lie, an occasional strawberry or grape cigarillo after some shitty whisky is nice around the tire fire .