Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

I wonder if Hunter confidants will plant coke in the women's rest room to throw everyone off the scent? O wait. Do women's facilities even exist in the White House? Do women even exist in today's world?
It should probably come out as a movie first
He Tasted The Rainbow

Then later become a yearly series
season 1
Banking on Moscow
severed the senile socialiat simp attended a socialist meeting in Mazatlan simping for free healthcare


even trump said it himself you can't make America great again from Mexico

This is the same sheep that simped for Mike "maga" Johnson even begged us to phone in calls for him :phone::phone::phone:

I tried to warn him and he still simped like a sad sadistic and sleepy simpleton


Sadly this weak minded loser will continue to simp because simping is in his DNA he can't help himself
Hunter is exactly why family of politicians should not be offered any special protections. This goes for business, law enforcement and life in general. Once they hit 18, they are on their own from a legal standpoint and need to play the game just like everyone else. The Bidens made the mistake of being involved in his "business" dealings and it is messy. You can still love a kid who is a fuck-up. But, a smart adult should have boundaries and limits. Not something that we get to see or hear about in politics.

The way that the Trumps have raised Baron is a curious contrast. I am not saying it's right or better. I don't know either family or the kids other than through the media. But, it has slightly piqued my interest in the stories of the prodigy of the rich and famous. Which, still falls way behind the stories of great leaders many of whom never really get rich or famous.
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My brother-in-law was a city commissioner for 20 years. I profited from that plenty of times. That's what makes the world go round
My brother-in-law was a city commissioner for 20 years. I profited from that plenty of times. That's what makes the world go round
so what you're saying is that you condone government corruption for profit. makes sense, knowing who you are and how you vote. :shrug:
I wonder if Hunter confidants will plant coke in the women's rest room to throw everyone off the scent? O wait. Do women's facilities even exist in the White House? Do women even exist in today's world?
women sure as fuk don't exist in today's world and it's a bigly reason why i'm stuck in incel hell (aka uvalan)
I've stated many times my hatred for Jared
lol you were simping and eknighting for them for a long time until tele and I called you out

javanka should be in prison for their qatar deal and 666 Madison avenue scams, take a stand don't be a little nepo cuck havax

you don't need to brownnose 24/7 bro

President with most votes evar
for sure man for real
rescued from page 2

...While his felony conviction may or may not have an impact on his electoral chances (and quite possibly end up working to his advantage), it's now officially resulted in Trump losing his Second Amendment rights. In fact, for the first time in U.S. history there's a very good chance that the next commander-in-chief will be in charge of the military while prohibited from touching a firearm or a round of ammunition.

I think there's an incredibly strong change that Trump's conviction will be thrown out on appeal, but that could still be years away. In the meantime, the Supreme Court is probably Trump's best bet to keep his Second Amendment rights intact, and the Court's impeding decision in U.S. v. Rahimi provides a perfect vehicle for the justices to give Trump and others convicted of non-violent felonies relief from current federal law....

meanwhile Gym Jordan sends a strongly worded letter to respectfully meet with Fat Alvin