Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

while ByeDone's sleeping
Let us slip you some more Dimos for your Uniparty

18 Republicans Voted to Pass the McConnell-Schumer Omnibus

Here are the 18 Republicans who voted yes, according to the Senate Press Gallery:

Roy Blunt, Missouri

John Boozman, Arkansas

Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia

Susan Collins, Maine

John Cornyn, Texas

Tom Cotton, Arkansas

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina

Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky

Jerry Moran, Kansas

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska

Rob Portman, Ohio

Mitt Romney, Utah

Mike Rounds, South Dakota

Richard Shelby, Alabama

John Thune, South Dakota

Roger Wicker, Mississippi

Todd Young, Indiana

Three Republicans did not vote:

John Barasso, Wyoming

Richard Burr, North Carolina

Kevin Cramer, North Dakota

Four Republicans who had previously voted to advance the bill switched their votes to oppose it:
<anyone who helped this bill MoveOn,, get these RINOs OUT!>
Tommy Tuberville, Alabama

Marco Rubio, Florida

Chuck Grassley, Iowa

Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi
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There just doesn't seem to be enough gays, trans, and women for the new ByeDone army... comon' weirdos
sign up right before we march off to Taiwan
Can the Army fill its ranks?

As the Army rolls along into 2023, everyone from recruiters to senior leaders to Congress are closely monitoring whether the Army will be able to shore up its recruiting and stem the end strength freefall that the service is currently experiencing.

The service experienced a shortfall of 15,000 recruits in fiscal 2022, which caused it to miss its congressionally-authorized end strength by nearly 20,000 soldiers...

I just don't understand why people don't want to sign up under the strong steady intelligent leadership of ByeDone?
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You've spent the last 6 years or so complaining about endless wars and wanting it all to end. Repubs have been anti war this whole time.

Setting that aside, there hasn't been a justifiable war since the 40s?
I'm repeating your own words back to you juggs

But you're right - a person's location is the sole determining factor in whether they are correct or not. Brilliant.
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You've spent the last 6 years or so complaining about endless wars and wanting it all to end. Repubs have been anti war this whole time.

Setting that aside, there hasn't been a justifiable war since the 40s?

Do you know why there was a north and South Korea? North and south Vietnam?

Perhaps your education skipped over that part. Maybe you should go look it up.
There is no North Vietnam or South Vietnam. There is just Vietnam, as they won the war.

Perhaps you should look it up.