Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

I was retorting his point about trump getting way more votes than in 2016, not the mail-in point.

I see.

Okay that doesn't really compute either. The turnout wasn't some massive seismic shift. If the bar graph above is accurate its a +2.4% turnout and they certainly weren't all for Biden.
so apparently trump DID test positive before the first debate :lol:

jfc this guy is such a dick i hope people move on
I come online today to see all threads about Biden

Have the Trump fans given up and finally admitted Trump is no longer President

What happened? Why cant a single Trump supporter ever answer why it seems like Biden is your President now?

They swore it would never happen

This is painful. Worth it to watch Pelosi waggle her finger and say "science".

But - why is there no mention of the new oral meds as part of the strategy in 2022? Why are they ignoring these? It's a pretty big deal to have cheap tests and self administered options. Imbeciles.
Biden re-instates "remain in Mexico" policy from Trump
U.S. will resume 'Remain in Mexico' policy for asylum-seekers
U.S. will resume 'Remain in Mexico' policy for asylum-seekers : NPR

SAN DIEGO — Migrants seeking to enter the United States will again have to stay in Mexico as they await immigration hearings, as the Biden administration reluctantly announced plans Thursday to comply with a court order and accept conditions set out by Mexico for resuming the Trump-era policy.

Mexico's foreign relations secretary said Mexico will allow returns, beginning next week, in light of U.S. concessions "for humanitarian reasons and for temporary stays."
Supreme Court Orders The 'Remain in Mexico' Policy Reinstated For Asylum-Seekers
Supreme Court Orders The 'Remain in Mexico' Policy Reinstated For Asylum-Seekers

Revival of the "Remain in Mexico" policy comes under a court order even as the Biden administration maneuvers to end it in a way that survives legal scrutiny. President Joe Biden scrapped the policy, but a lawsuit by Texas and Missouri has forced him to put it back into effect, subject to Mexico's acceptance.

About 70,000 asylum-seekers have been subject to the policy, which President Donald Trump introduced in January 2019 and which Biden suspended on his first day in office.
'Remain in Mexico,' the Trump era policy that haunts the Biden administration

Illegal border crossings fell sharply after Mexico, facing Trump's threat of higher tariffs, acquiesced in 2019 to the policy's rapid expansion. Asylum-seekers were victims of major violence while waiting in Mexico and faced a slew of legal obstacles, such as access to attorneys and case information.

Migrants are expected to be returned starting Monday at one border city and soon after in three others, U.S. officials said. They are San Diego and Texas crossings in El Paso, Laredo and Brownsville. The sequence has yet to be determined.
Also, why don't we hear from or about the first lady? Is Biden ashamed of her? Why do they hide her? I haven't heard a peep. First lady of the country usually has something going on.

The media has steered clear of Jill Biden and she really hasn't been any sort of factor.