Ask me anything about Mass Effect 2

apparently one of the characters is voice acted by adam baldwin

he gonna be a potential squad mate or just a random guy you meet?
can you elaborate a bit on the differences between carrying over your ME1 character vs starting a new one?

would you say it's easier / harder/ no different, to start from scratch in ME2? are the enemies scaled to your level? does carrying over your character create significant plot differences?


There are some choices in the first game that will affect ME2 much more than others, such as (slight spoiler if you never finished the first one) whether or not one chose to save the council is supposed to make a pretty big difference, as well as which characters survived the first game. But simply put yes, carrying over your character will definitely create some significant plot differences.

I do know that you will start out with additional benefits from the first game as well if you are higher level and whether or not you ended as a renegade or a paragon.

When starting a new character, there is supposed to be just one general outline from the first game that it follows, though I have no clue what that is. As for whether it's easier or harder... It's more so to just give the choices that you made in the first game more of an impact, and not making the game easier/harder.

I am pretty certain enemies are scaled to your level, that way you can't just blast through certain segments easily while being stuck on others just because of level. Enemy and friendly AI is also much improved over the first one, watch for enemies trying to actively flank you while your teammates respond much better than just sitting out in the open.

Ed: since I was late to the party, how accurate were my answers Mu?
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apparently one of the characters is voice acted by adam baldwin

he gonna be a potential squad mate or just a random guy you meet?

Not a squad mate :( but I can't tell you how big of a role he'll actually be.

But the fact that I can have Yvonne Strahovski in my squad is totally awesome. Guess I won't be staying true to my romances in the first game.

Ed: Looks like he voices a quarian that tries to stand up at Tali's trial'Reegar
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I'm a 20 year old college student who lives in Mesa and am currently attending MCC with the hope of majoring in communications in a few years. But nobody here gives a rat's ass about that, so to put it simply:

I was a lurker who was shown this forum from my brother-in-law, and I decided to finally make an account a little while back. I was a huge fan of the first ME and I decided to just start answering some of the questions in this thread since Mu's answers are pretty vague (understandble though).

scaled to level, meaning you can never go to an 'easy' area and just mop up, or encounter something way over your league because you were exploring?

oblivion suffered from this...
Did you ever play the first ME Goshin? or Dragon Age Origins?

If so, then a setup like that, where you can choose to go to a couple different places at any time, rather than them telling you that you have to go to Planet A then Planet B then Planet C etc etc. You can tackle them in any order, but the combat remains challenging throughout.

Oblivion was annoying because even though I got past level 40 and had all sorts of awesome powers and weapons, I never felt like a badass because stupid ogres would still take way too many hits to kill. This won't be like that.
Will I still have to contend with cycling through weapons I have no training in or intention to ever use?
Will there be unlocks via achievements in ME2 and if so will they be made available in ME1?
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Cycling through weapons? You referring to using the mouse wheel on PC controls? I wouldn't know, only ever play on Xbox and the d-pad selects weapons so there's no cycling. Things have changed a bit, though. Not everyone has all 4 weapons types like in ME1.

Re: unlocks via achievements, yes. There's nothing that's retroactive to ME1, though.
Did i knock up sarah in the last game and does it matter if i bang sarah williams and then kill her at the end of ME1. and does it have anything consequential in ME2?
You've already played the game so it can't give you chills that much. It did remind me that I should probably finish playing the first one.

Edit: And ME2 appears to be a 2 DVD title.