Any of you work with assholes that pick boogers and wipe them on the bathroom wall?

Used to when I worked at a tech company as well. The building we were in had some pretty big companies in it too. Snot on the walls, piss on the floor and toilet, and many times it looked like a group of about 5 guys would run a post-Mexican lunch shit-train on one toilet and not flush it. It was fucking ridiculous.

Now though? Not at all. Where am I at currently? Art and design university. Surrounded by 18-25 year-olds whose only defacement of the bathrooms is with art supplies.

We had someone shit on the floor once...that was just a one time thing. The boogers are usually back a day or two after they get chiseled off and they're almost always bloody.

We also used to have some asshole that stuffed the toilet in one stall with all kinds of trash for no reason at all (the weirdest thing being a car air filter)...that stopped when the building management company said they would install a camera outside the bathroom door and have maintenance check go in to check the stall every ten minutes.

When I used to work for the government there was an administrator I caught doing this. Wierd guy that eventually got fired. He would also eat his morning danish in the bathroom stall while dropping deuces.


We had a couple of guys that would shit and talk to their girlfriends/wives/etc on their cell phones in a 5 stall bathroom like it was nothing.
I have to deal with the dudes that try to thread the needle (piss with the seat down) but fail every fucking time, so I have to wipe the seat on the rare occasion that I have to drop a deuce at work.
I am a tradesmen, so boogers on the wall is the least of my worries.

I have seen semen shit and blood in toilets b4.

Oh and used needles.
Maybe it's a tech company thing. I've been in the industry for quite a while now, been at several companies and every one has had the wall booger problem. I have no idea what would possess someone to pick their nose while pissing let alone follow through to wipe it on the wall. I have often thought about placing a sign above the urinals to discourage the cretins from continuing their practice.

Only problem at my work is urine on the floor under the urinal.

But I work in IT with the majority being one specific ethnicity. So I just chalk that up to the fact that it doesn't 'reach'.
we have so many foreign nationalities at my place of work they had to put labels on the inside of the stall doors

"Please place toilet paper in toilet"

i guess some where throwing used shit paper in the garbage or on the floor. filthy.
Oh and a guy that was passing a kidney stone there that got retard strength and ripped the entire urinal off the wall while he was screaming like he was being stabbed to death.

I laughed out loud at this. really hard.

holy shit. awesome sentence.
we have so many foreign nationalities at my place of work they had to put labels on the inside of the stall doors

"Please place toilet paper in toilet"

i guess some where throwing used shit paper in the garbage or on the floor. filthy.

I used to have a woman that reported to me that was Indian, and I had to sit her down and tell her it wasn't OK for her to blow her nose into her empty hands, then wash them off in the sink in a public bathroom.

That was awkward. We had one girl that saw it where if you even mentioned it, she would just start gagging uncontrollably.
We had a crazy bitch flip out one day when she knew we were firing her and she rubbed period blood all over the walls and left a tampon stuck to a mirror.

Not really gross but we had a guy named Keith talk about how awful his life was and how he was killing himself. Well a few weeks go by and we notice his truck is still in the parking lot and hasn't been moved even though he never came back to work. So our GM asked me to check his truck to see if he had killed himself in it.

He didn't but we had nearly every manager standing by our doors while I walked out to the truck to see.

I guess he moved back to Nashville. His life did suck pretty bad.
