Airbus plane crash in Karachi ~100 dead

u mite want 2 revisit ur reading comprehension, bruh

u wanted 2 show off by tweeting some deets

but ur deets weren't well enuff deeted

and u were condescending as hell

i called u out on ur unbridled faggotry and failing 2 properly execute ur palaybook

then u denied these facts in a condescending way

finally u close out w/ the 3rd grade playground name call

so ya

i won the thread and u rly embarrassed urself (as usual) wat w/ getting pwned by a semiliterate drunk living in a crack shack
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Pakistan does not even really exist, it is a political construct a bit like the country of Dubaii

which by the way is in north asia
Pakistan - Wikipedia
"Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia."
Ok, but it's next to Afghanistan which is the birth place of modern terrorism. So I don't think of them as "Asian" either. They are Muslim who want the USA dead.
my coffee cup is a torus

and mocha is in the middle east

That's a fine how do you do eh?

I said

That's a fine how do you do...