Actually buying music


Veteran XV
Do any of you actually purchase cds on a regular basis or ever?

If so, what makes you buy a cd?

What criteria must the cd meet?

What was the last cd you bought?

For me it was the Arcade Fire - Funeral because it was sort of an impulse buy. For the most part I don't even think about buying something unless it is really hard to find on limewire :/
I haven't purchased a CD since 1999.

I've sent a few dollars to a few artists via paypal, but probably no more than $100 over the last three years.
regular basis... no. its either something ive been wanting but never had the motivation to purchase it before, or its a band or artist that i was curious about. that ladder has caused me to purchase several "best of" and "essential" type cds.

last cd... it was either a stabbing westward, or the best of styx. im not too happy with the styx. ohh well, it was used.
Generally, i listen to 8 songs from a band by download, decide if i like them, and go buy their cds with those songs on them.

I buy cds when I go home. There's a place called Stinkweeds which stocks things I can't find on itunes for cheap. Plus I really like the owner/operator.

They can also recommend me anything at a moment's notice and make artist matches better than itunes or pandora.
last cd i bought was Incubus - Light Grenades

i just fucking love incubus
I don't remember the last CD I bought, but I bet it kicked ass. I mostly download music now ("buy at the store") since there's so much I want and I couldn't possibly afford to actually buy it all.
I don't regularly. Usually, I'll buy 10 or 12 CDs in a two week spurt and then lay off for a while.

Last albums I got at the same time were Fear - The Album, Sublime - Robbin' the Hood, Miles Davis - Kind of Blue, Keep your Receipt - Reel Big Fish, and Pictures and an Exhibition by Modest Mugorsky performed by a bunch of orchestras (it was free).
I usually only buy a CD if its from one of my favorite artists. I like having a hard copy of the album and I enjoy having the artwork/liner notes etc. Last CD I bought was "Please Come Home" by Dustin Kensrue
If I was getting shit off Limewire, I would always buy CDs..

Does vinyl count as purchasing CDs? I dont find anything wrong with purchasing CDs (via ITunes or other online format) to support GOOD artists.
My latest purchase:
i buy CDs because i like to have the album art and whatnot

generally must be a band that i think is good, have heard and have deemed to be good, or others with similar tastes have told me is good, so i buy it

last CD i bought was Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder which came out on Jan 29th or 30th
last cd's i bought were tool,nin,pearl jam
i only buy cd's if i reaaaaaaally like em

any movie i like ill pay to go see in theatre and rent, then HAXOR
i buy from itunes alot, tho i should buy more cd's because the quality is better. its just a little less convenient and slow. the last cd's are bought were a few months ago, the new killers and clap your hands and say yeah.

i have to hear about a certain cd alot or a friend who i know has good taste in music has to recommend it.
i don't buy cds. i have an iPod.

and yes, i actually and legally buy my music.

i'd rather pay the $.99 for the full song and what makes no sense is that cell phone ringers play 20-30 seconds and it's horrible quality and they charge you $2.50 per ringer. wtf.