
150 million people in the US are fully vaxed.
That's a massive sample size and with that large a number people are going to die for whatever reason regardless.
Do you think 5k out of 150 million is alarming?

I'm not against closer examination, I'm sure the medical community is putting their work in.

Im considering more than just immediate deaths.

Am I alarmed? No. I'm just not gonna get vaccinated. But people who need/want the shot should probably consider the downsides, and the information should be readily available to them.
where's the hot takes from shilligan, the fauci of tw

have to know about that gain of function from the vax shots
Im considering more than just immediate deaths.

Am I alarmed? No. I'm just not gonna get vaccinated. But people who need/want the shot should probably consider the downsides, and the information should be readily available to them.

One of my neighbors is an engineer working for one of the companies involved in the vaccine production. It's his opinion that for the next several years we're fucked because enough people won't get the vax to establish the coveted herd immunity. And the being fucked part is because of how fast the virus mutates it'll be likely that people will need booster shots. And when you're talking about needing billions of doses there's a finite amount of resources available for the production of these, which will pull manufacturing ability away from other critical medicines needed for things like cancer, which will result in shortages across the board.
but countries with >70% vaxx rates are still having huge outbreak issues anyway b/c herd immunity relies on the vaccine preventing catching or spreading the disease.

I don't think the covid vaxx does that
One of my neighbors is an engineer working for one of the companies involved in the vaccine production. It's his opinion that for the next several years we're fucked because enough people won't get the vax to establish the coveted herd immunity. And the being fucked part is because of how fast the virus mutates it'll be likely that people will need booster shots. And when you're talking about needing billions of doses there's a finite amount of resources available for the production of these, which will pull manufacturing ability away from other critical medicines needed for things like cancer, which will result in shortages across the board.

did he also tell u how herd immunity doesnt work if you have the vax and still dress like your going for an outing in chernobyl lol
One of my neighbors is an engineer working for one of the companies involved in the vaccine production. It's his opinion that for the next several years we're fucked because enough people won't get the vax to establish the coveted herd immunity. And the being fucked part is because of how fast the virus mutates it'll be likely that people will need booster shots. And when you're talking about needing billions of doses there's a finite amount of resources available for the production of these, which will pull manufacturing ability away from other critical medicines needed for things like cancer, which will result in shortages across the board.

The US already fully vaccinated 44% of its population and the virus mutates regardless. Millions of others have been infected and have now developed their own level of immunity.

Enough time has passed that we have a decent understanding of the risk vectors of infection. Not enough time has passed that we necessarily have a decent understanding of all the risks associated with vaccinations. To me its a pretty damn simple decision matrix.
Arguing that risk of death is so minuscule from vaccination is a fair argument.

I wish more people applied that same logic and risk analysis to children and covid19. Why think rationally when you can just close schools and give retarded entitled teachers paid vacations.
One of my neighbors is an engineer working for one of the companies involved in the vaccine production. It's his opinion that for the next several years we're fucked because enough people won't get the vax to establish the coveted herd immunity. And the being fucked part is because of how fast the virus mutates it'll be likely that people will need booster shots. And when you're talking about needing billions of doses there's a finite amount of resources available for the production of these, which will pull manufacturing ability away from other critical medicines needed for things like cancer, which will result in shortages across the board.

Herd immunity relates more to natural antibodies via infection than vaccination. Why are you so afraid of a disease that kills the elderly with severe underlying health conditions? Is it because you're fat? I bet you're fat...
How to save the world, in three easy steps. [3+ hour video]

Banned from YT.
  • Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
  • Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.
  • Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist.
  • Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.
i popped it on in the bg during work and the two doctors were really great but kirsch was a petulant child - someone vastly underqualified but still sitting at the big boy table
Arguing that risk of death is so minuscule from vaccination is a fair argument.

I wish more people applied that same logic and risk analysis to children and covid19. Why think rationally when you can just close schools and give retarded entitled teachers paid vacations.

Would you still think that if you lived in a country where the education system wasn't fucking useless?
Would you still think that if you lived in a country where the education system wasn't fucking useless?

ya pagy

how dare you question all the great learning from the quran only

everything you need to know is right there in the book based upon a child rapist of the 7th century