
There are pictures of some of the 'hikers' actually jogging, so there is talk that the group was infiltrated with traitors.
its truly shocking and amazing to me how...fucking brainwashed...people are with fear and bullshit from mass media.

Age a bit, and less of what people do will shock or amaze you. Because you are not THAT far behind me, I'm saying there is a lot more cynicism in your tank that you have to tap.

On one hand, I feel a bit guilty feeding the Nihilistic impulses of a former teammate, but on the other, I'm vaccinating him.

Nihilism is a decent mindset, once you get into it. It's a famous philosophy, and you can embrace it and still be happy. Just know that once you're in, you're going to start laughing when church roofs cave in and kill parishioners. It's dark, but it's sane.
That this bothers you, is wonderful.
When people talk about how mad they are that they saw someone outside, wearing a mask, and they are SO MAD about it. It makes me less glum.

I’m starting to not wear a mask when I go to walk my dog, but it makes me anxious,” she says. “On the one hand, in Texas—even Austin—it feels like you’re making a political statement if you are or aren’t wearing a mask.

:lol: chuuuuump
That this bothers you, is wonderful.
When people talk about how mad they are that they saw someone outside, wearing a mask, and they are SO MAD about it. It makes me less glum.

It doesn't bother me at all. I'm amused that some people are so neurotic about this disease that they've turned masks into security blankets.
Let us congregate in some sort of park designed for our collective amusement.

Tucker Carlson said 3,362 people have died from the COVID vaccine. Is he right?

“Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States

Carlson said he was citing numbers from the Federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS,

That’s because VAERS data is considered unreliable for drawing causal conclusions. And dying after a vaccine is not the same thing as dying because of the vaccine.

His claimed stopped at the amount of people who have died post vaccine.
“There was no social distancing, nobody was wearing masks, the group size was way out of control,” the male hiker said in the affidavit.

I find it very hard to believe that a dude said that.

I find it very hard to believe they still feel the need to point out if someone making a comment is male, female or whatever.

what difference does it make?