
enbrel, humira, simponi, cosentyx

cosentyx is actually the one im sorta sticking with now; sorta the same results as the others but they are paying the 10% copay my insurance wont cover.

my insurance covered 90% of enbrel and that meant 270$ out of pocket every month lol

dang son why u so diseased

time 2 go on carnivore diet
why is everyone in israel getting vaxed? what do (((they))) know that you don't reggs?

Allow me to answer:

"Jews are taking their own version of the vaccine which does not change their DNA like the others. The DNA change will make you more susceptible to liberal views as well as urge you to donate all your money to the local Synagogue."
seems accurate to me

the boy passing out was the nanites activating the 5g signal in his system

he belongs to billy g now

only maga is smart enough to figure it out


use ur brain bro and do an image search

the countries selected alone should tell u something about when it was compiled
World's Most Vaccinated Nation Reintroduces Curbs As Cases Surge

Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against Covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge. The measures, which include bans on the intermingling of households and the early closure of bars, come even as the country has fully vaccinated more than 60% of its adult population with two doses of coronavirus vaccines. The curbs are similar to those last imposed at the end of 2020.

totally works