
I have two childhood friends in Orange County. They hang out together and surf.
One friend was going in to have another ear drilled out; too much cold water surfing.
Had to take the covid test.
Took the test, but test wasn't back before scheduled surgery.
Later, yep, he has the ccp virus and is asymptomatic. Other friend got tested and described it; fuck, still the huge swab up your nose. I thought they'd found easier ways. We'll see if he has it too... I told him I think we all have it.
^^^ I would have thought they'd all gone that direction Fiend. And ArakAtak I guess I'm just put off by the description. My friend said it was just uncomfortable and made his eyes water.
I will be surprised if my second friend doesn't have it; they drive together to different surf spots all the time.

I heard today that they just developed a saliva test here which they are rolling out pretty soon. That would be better than the swab for sure, especially for kids.

The throat bit isn't bad, I'm good at supressing my gag reflex :brows:

Up the nose wasn't much fun, it stings and they really jam it up until it stops and then scrape it around a bit...afterwards, tears streaming, I was like "that was nice"... and then she says, now I'll just do the other one ...

but yeah, I've had worse and at least I'll know if I've got it. Been feeling like shit, bad headache, really tired and sort of dizzy. I think it is more likely to be opiate withdrawal, but you never know, could be the rice a rona
I have two childhood friends in Orange County. They hang out together and surf.
One friend was going in to have another ear drilled out; too much cold water surfing.
Had to take the covid test.
Took the test, but test wasn't back before scheduled surgery.
Later, yep, he has the ccp virus and is asymptomatic. Other friend got tested and described it; fuck, still the huge swab up your nose. I thought they'd found easier ways. We'll see if he has it too... I told him I think we all have it.

My 2nd friend's test came back neg. I'm a little surprised. How accurate are these tests now?
Again what is the current trend in the death rate?

It really doesn't matter how many people test positive, it is how many and who are dying.

A rise in detections isn't meaningful unless it is also correlated with a rise in the death toll. Especially among groups who were not dying previously.

Who cares if there is a huge spike in young people testing positive if the survival rate for them is almost absolute. A huge spike in young people dying would be reason for concern.

Graphic: Coronavirus deaths in the U.S., per day

dickhead in charge here is reinstituting lockdowns for hotspot areas b/c new cases have tripled lately (literally 75 in a day scary eh). In the same press conference he also says how great it is that we are testing more than five times the number of people than a month ago.

I wonder why we see a rise in detected cases you cunt

what I can't fathom is why no one in the press conference calls him on it?

dickhead in charge here is reinstituting lockdowns for hotspot areas b/c new cases have tripled lately (literally 75 in a day scary eh). In the same press conference he also says how great it is that we are testing more than five times the number of people than a month ago.

I wonder why we see a rise in detected cases you cunt

what I can't fathom is why no one in the press conference calls him on it?
Because they're gutless sheeple.