
I have to question whether or not veritas is even real. I mean how many times do these videos have to come out before those that are in positions that are doing sketchy shit, and they KNOW they are doing sketchy shit, stop spilling the beans to someone they just met for coffee or randomly at a bar or restaurant
More of the video is out now…gay black guy has a mental breakdown and claims he was lying for cock

poor guy

one second youre on a date making shit up about work so that this dude makes you shoot ropes and the next thing youre calling cops, smashing ipads and become unemployable.

i hope its not real, I honestly feel a bit bad for this loser
hehehe laughing about any of you thinking Veritas doesn't always comes out with the truth

But don't throw out the baby with the bath water
Real science needs to be done
Meanwhile, Canadian media in 2023:

edit: Lol. Within a day, the CBC has made their video private. They ran a news segment claiming "misinformation" during the pandemic caused 2,800 deaths and a financial toll to the tune of $300M on the healthcare system--without any discussion as to how any of that was calculated.
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o'keefe over the target once again

hope this guy gets jail time.

This black man most likely has a higher than black average IQ, above average discipline for a black too with a job like that. Yet still, he has wild, child like facial expressions, and bounces around in his chair unable to sit still, like every black kid.

Even an above average hand picked black just immediately devolved and kicked into fight or flight mode very quickly. Wild eyes, violent movements.

He could have counter offered to be an informant if Veritas agreed to make sure his footage was never released. Blacks do not spy. Espionage is not something black people do or think about.
Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created | Babylon Bee

Using science to solve the worlds problems created by the science at the speed of science.

Creating a problem and its inevitable solution is part of the standard corporate playbook.

Where is the "I don't understand that site is satire" playbook?


Moderna Announces A New mRNA Shot to Treat Heart Failure - First they give you myocarditis then they give you the cure

Moderna is working on an mRNA treatment to fix myocarditis and heart dieses.

"We are in a super exciting program where we inject mRNA into peoples heart after heart attack".