
Alright I'll EXPLAIN what he's trying to get at.
Many people for many years have been anti-vaxxers of all vaccines.
But as soon as people decided to hesitate on any of the covid vaccines
they were labeled anti-vaxxers even if they would still get their child vaccinated for polio...

did that make sense ?
because it's difficult for me to be literal

2 reasons:
- Ppl called these ppl 'anti-vax' as a shorthand.
- ppl were using anti-vax arguments (ie: their argument was applicable to all vaccines, and had been used by the general anti-vax crowd for many years prior to covid).
2 reasons:
- Ppl called these ppl 'anti-vax' as a shorthand.
- ppl were using anti-vax arguments (ie: their argument was applicable to all vaccines, and had been used by the general anti-vax crowd for many years prior to covid).

Watching people like Lozza try to re-write history in light that they acted like a bunch of Nazi's is :lol:
Vaccination - Inoculation with a vaccine in order to protect against a particular disease.

Inoculation - The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Y'all need to change some more definitions if you want to continue pretending to be correct.

Obviously the vaxxed KNOW they are not immune, they even admit it "So glad I was vaxxed but still got covid, and If I give it to you due to my recklessness, then o fucking well, you should have got vaxxed and you would be IMMUNE LIKE ME!"

JEEZ how do these ppl not see how stupid they are?
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The issue with the covid mass psychosis overreaction was the lie it hid. Governments were secretly informed that covid 19 was the result of US bioweapons research ("gain of function") and therefore feared it would end up being actually much more deadly than it ended up being. I detest being lied to.
strange how in January 2020 the experts told us to fear the flu, not Covid... then 2 months later... the exact opposite.

Influenza is a bigger concern for Canadians as another patient dies in Alberta | CTV News

even right up until march, the "big scary" was still the flu...

Alberta sees increase in flu deaths over last year | Calgary Herald
yeah its like people forgot what hypochondria was and fail to see the anxiety they unleashed on the mentally fragile population

the damage these lockdowns and messages caused are going to be immeasurable

wait until all these 6 year olds grow up…raised by lunatics…in captivity…
The unvaccinated are no longer a societal risk. Bizarre.

Of COURSE you find it bizarre because that's the level of understanding you have about infectious disease. It's been 2.5 years, and viruses (ebola notwithstanding) lose virulence over time as newer, less lethal strains emerge. Any 10th grader can tell you this. And if you are talking about risk of transmission say that. I don't know what a societal risk is. . .Charles Manson?

In other news:

One for All? | Harvard Medical School

One for All?
New antibody neutralizes all known SARS-CoV-2 variants in lab tests

It will be a while yet before clinical trials, and those will take months. IF clinical trials are successful they MIGHT get authorization to try test groups in the general population.

I go to the trouble in the above paragraph because I know how TW is. "Vanster says that SarsCoV-2 has been CURED!" and of course, I am not saying that. Explaining how science works to TW is the most tedious waste of time ever.
Of COURSE you find it bizarre because that's the level of understanding you have about infectious disease. It's been 2.5 years, and viruses (ebola notwithstanding) lose virulence over time as newer, less lethal strains emerge. Any 10th grader can tell you this. And if you are talking about risk of transmission say that. I don't know what a societal risk is. . .Charles Manson?

No shit, though I don't recall you yelling at covidians about this a year ago when every new variant was touted as potentially more deadly and dangerous. Winter of death. Pandemic of the unvaccinated.

It's like you cherrypick when to be rational.
Where is the cave of bats Vanster.
There's no question mark because your infected species, other than humans,
does NOT exist.
it's just endless loops of sensationalism. faltering institutions and desperate media outlets craft melodramatic narratives and grasp at authoritarian solutions, brain dead "skeptics" inject pure contrarianism, they blame each other for mutually being entirely incoherent, repeat forever
No shit, though I don't recall you yelling at covidians about this a year ago when every new variant was touted as potentially more deadly and dangerous. Winter of death. Pandemic of the unvaccinated.

It's like you cherrypick when to be rational.

I didn't call it bizarre, you did.