15 kids and somebody needs to pay for all my children

Here's the thing:

This woman is a product of our failed education system, one that is taught primarily by democrats / progressives / leftists /whatever they want to change their name to this decade. They demand we invest more in education so that unionized educators can push a leftwing agenda where everyone is a winner that actually results in generation after generation that is ill equipped for the real world upon exiting school. If you doubt that, I only need to point to NY, the Empire State (or this video).

The World Economic Forum ranks us 48th in math and science education. On international math tests, the United States is near the bottom of industrialized countries (the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), and we’re in the middle in science and reading.

The woman in the OP vid is the culmination of their ideology. Since she demands that someone be held accountable, then we all know exactly who it should be -the democratic left- and they should have to pay for it.


After all, if you are an altruistic person, it shouldnt be a problem. Should it? Or are you only altruistic when it comes to forcing others to pay for your ideas -especially if they are CEOs 'making too much money'?

You tell me. See, Im not looking for anyone here to post a check they did something. If they choose to share, then thats fine. Freedom is a helluva thing.

But if you're FEELING this is 'nexting' stuff, go visit Rev_nights thread that badgers RU485. Questioning and exploring the mental gymnastics involved in leftwing ideology where they have to explain themselves is my interest. It really should be an Olympic event.
we cant teach correct sex ed and how to use condoms or birth control and are restricted to abstinence programs which work terribly

who had that idea? oh ya republicans

why dont we send people good with their hands to trade schools after 16 like germany? cuz we're retarded

gg you're dumb ss
i had no idea that video was ofn. saw it for the first time this morning.

while watching it, i couldn't help but think of that TV show a few years ago that would come to someone house and rebuild it for them because they were doing/giving so much back to the community. however, as the show progressed, they were doing nothing but rebuilding homes into castles for heavy breeders.

like the lady above.

but shes black.

and she wants someone else to pay for all her shit. like, she is entitled. where did that belief come from?

i would really like to see her reaction to watching herself on that video and see what she thinks after watching.
I'm virtually certain her implication was that the government took away her source of income (fiance) and left her to starve and she was challenging someone to do something about it, rather than seriously implying entitlement.
why don't republicans become teachers

also who are you arguing with right now

idk, ask a republican. but I suspect my ideals wouldnt be welcome in the leftwing teacher unions either given their propensity for tolerance and understanding.

what argument? this is exploring the failure that is leftwing ideology where the result is the OP vid.

do you not think that democrats /progressives /whatever are not responsible given their stranglehold on the education system?

living the life digging up 2 yr old videos of a dumb nigger to argue about liberals vs republicans on a forum dedicated to a dead game