Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

I'm on team CORNPOP kids. Sorry you can't accept that.

that's the spirit

I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debates. There gonna be plenty of time. And by the way, as I joke with him. You know eh ... I, I shouldn't say it, I'm going to say something I don't ... I probably shouldn't say. Anyway, I am uh, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental fil ... My physical as well as my mental fil .. fitness, and uh to uh, you know, to make a judgement about who I am.

- Joe Biden
I think I speak for everyone here when I say we all forward-look to a debate between the President and Uncle Joe. Sitting or Standing.
joey b is in the donnie t club of not giving a fuck

the real contest between them isn't 4 the presidency but 2 determine who can get away w/ stirring up the most shit
don lemon better study if he wants to get an A

hope u guys can make it to my level, im already working on this bad boy

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cael, you are supposed to push the objects into the cube. Not just set them in the correct opening.
damn i knew i was fuckin this test up i must have autism

guess im not qualified to be president