Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

it's funny b/c the dems rely on ugandan (and obviously KENYAN) voters 2 give them TOTALLY LEGITIMATE SLAM DUNK WIN OVER TRUMP

With the wild accusations of everybody on TW calling others they don't like "pedophiles," statistically it's nearly certain that at least one of us really is. Was. (I'll include people that used to post here.)
He's openly admitted to being attracted to children. He gets extremely defensive when you say something negative about pedophiles.

Basically he's said enough over the years to be a confirmed pedophile.
He's openly admitted to being attracted to children. He gets extremely defensive when you say something negative about pedophiles.

Basically he's said enough over the years to be a confirmed pedophile.
Both false.

I've always wondered where the amapeado thing came from. What's the story there?
I once pointed out that technically, the term "pedophilia" refers to the involuntary attraction to children, and is commonly misapplied to mean criminal acts such as child molestation.

I have also made it very clear that I condemn such illegal acts just as much as anyone else, but that was enough of a pretense for people to run with the narrative.
See? Even when he's explaining himself he very specifically doesn't condemn pedophiles but rather only "illegal acts"

Confirmed pedo.
amRam proudly implying one of two things:
- he comdemns people for their involuntary neurological responses
- he doesn't actually understand the difference between such responses and actions motivated by them

keep digging, buddy :bigthumb:
He's openly admitted to being attracted to children. He gets extremely defensive when you say something negative about pedophiles.

Basically he's said enough over the years to be a confirmed pedophile.

You can't say confirmed without digging up quotes. I'm attracted to children but not in a sexual way. I like when kids love on my dog, and lose their ice cream cone to him because they are so clueless, and just in general do silly things. the r/kidsarefuckingstupid is one of my fave subreddits. You can't accuse someone of something awful like pedophilia unless he's said that he's attracted to children in a sexual way and find where he said it.

Take Moker for example. .I HEARD that he uploaded naked pictures of kids to the TW+ hub, and when it was discovered, he left. But I never saw his folder, and nobody offered a screen cap. A picture of him was shown to me years later where he was all in leather, sitting on a motorcycle. Like the all leather guy from Village people, but no facial hair and bald.

Just because you heard someone else say that he had said something, that is in no way "confirmed," you're just repeating hearsay.

Edit: another example I can think of is Data. He used to have bikini-clad anime in his signature, and people started saying they looked young, and then they started calling him a pedophile and it was the dumbest shit ever. Data and I are e-foes, and I wake up each day hoping he bangs his shin on a trailer hitch, but he's no pedophile. The whole thing was over people that didn't like him call him a pedo.
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TIL the best way to avoid prison for sharing child pornography is to take screenshots of it, then share it. jfc dude
No, I'm saying if someone else saw it, they should have captured the evidence and given it to the cops. No one did, why the FUCK not?

And then tell the story here, with evidence. With no evidence, this is all just pissing in the wind. Like I said earlier it's almost certain that we've got a couple of them, but pedos are very careful. That's why it's so delicious to see them get caught with the "Why don't you have a seat of there?" guy.
amRam proudly implying one of two things:
- he comdemns people for their involuntary neurological responses
- he doesn't actually understand the difference between such responses and actions motivated by them

keep digging, buddy :bigthumb:

See? He's always defensive about pedophilia.