Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

Biden is such a train wreck. His only votes will be the Never Trumpers. He can’t even keep track of what he is saying with a teleprompter. How in the fuk did the DNC get behind this?
I believe they think it is their only hope and last chance of covering up all the corruption and treason they've done over the years... neocons and dims together
marching together to the bank selling the country out.

They will not concede
and neither should National Democratic Capitalism & Patriots
Probably nothing to worry about Dims
Go back to sleep, you have a big night of rioting ahead
Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Watch Out Schiff, Its All on Paper Now |

"We have a problem in Washington: They like to take the information that they get and spoon feed it to the public in nefarious ways publicly," Grenell told Monday's "John Bachman Now." "But, when they're under oath, they say completely the opposite.

"By putting it in writing, it's going to be very difficult to pick and choose, cherry pick to reporters, the information."

Ratcliffe has announced he would no longer feed classified intelligence to Schiff in a verbal briefing, instead putting it all on paper and creating a paper trail — one that might also help expose the criminal leaks of classified intelligence.

"What Adam Schiff says on CNN and MSNBC is not what people tell us under oath," Grenell said. "When they leak something verbally to a reporter, there's no paper trail, and the reporter and you get to say, 'oh, I don't know where we got this' and pretend like it's a credible source."
Do Democrats understand that black people only make up 13% of the population? About 20% of that 13% are felons and can't vote, so that leaves about 9-10% of the US population that they have diverted their entire campaign to.

And they wonder why they can't win an election in the midwest battleground states.

There's Political Science Majors in college who could come up with a better campaign strategy.
the Dem politicians are only paying attention to the loudest crybabies. The media has been Trump's ally by giving airtime and their own show hosts to far leftist nutbags.
they cant win mw battle states because all the educated folx move to chicago to make more money
thankfully lori is burning down the windy city so finally all the ohos, sconnies, gandies, soties, iowes, and indies can move back and spread progressivism all throughout the midwest
they cant win mw battle states because all the educated folx move to chicago to make more money
thankfully lori is burning down the windy city so finally all the ohos, sconnies, gandies, soties, iowes, and indies can move back and spread progressivism all throughout the midwest

By that you mostly mean white liberal women.


Downfall of this country will be due to emotional women and their terrible liberal policies.
they cant win mw battle states because all the educated folx move to chicago to make more money
thankfully lori is burning down the windy city so finally all the ohos, sconnies, gandies, soties, iowes, and indies can move back and spread progressivism all throughout the midwest

Actually moron, the smart people are moving away into cities not plagued by idiot liberals. Wisconsin and Minnesota are great examples of this.
By that you mostly mean white liberal women.
The AWLFs are tearing this country apart.

"Hey lady, you cannot force fairness onto humans, like you could with your kids. There isn't a sharing is caring thing with the human population" but trying to get angry white liberal females to see this is impossible.

A few years back I saw an interview/talk with J. Peterson where he laid out perfectly - i might add - how the entire SJW movement is a female centric movement based around their innate motherly ways of everything needs to be fair. Or something like that. It was a few years ago I saw it but it made complete sense. It was insanity explained perfectly. :lol:
Found a good article. Wall of text article so I will pull some of the goodies.

China is on the Ballot in 2020
In early May, President Donald Trump ordered a federal retirement fund to scrap its plans to shift several billion dollars’ worth of U.S. government employee savings into Chinese stocks. The administration is now planning a broader review of China’s unfair and potentially dangerous usage of American capital markets. This is about far more than mundane matters of bureaucracy and asset allocation. It epitomizes the existential battle facing America.

Our public servants will now no longer be underwriting military contractors that support the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) People’s Liberation Army—

the fact that these travesties would have transpired had the Trump administration not intervened is a sobering truth with implications that transcend capital markets. It touches on the long-term competition into which America has finally entered with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Near-term, the 2020 election is critical to sustaining this competition.

It was the Obama Administration—during much of which then-Vice President Biden managed the “China portfolio,” explicitly engaging the then-general secretary-in-waiting Xi Jinping—that was responsible for the plan which would have seen U.S. government employees fund their foes. Every member of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) responsible for the 2017 decision to tilt its Thrift Savings Plan’s (TSP) international fund toward Chinese equities, was an Obama appointee. They pressed ahead with the plan in spite of withering bipartisan criticism.

In 2013, China faced the prospect of seeing its companies deregistered from U.S. exchanges on a massive scale due to their unique non-compliance with basic standards of transparency and accountability. The Obama Administration gave China a lifeline in the way of a memorandum of understanding (MOU), inked with its regulatory authorities, purportedly intended to make progress toward closing these gaps.

Today, seven years after the MOU went into effect, Chinese companies continue to get de facto preferential treatment in U.S. capital markets by skirting auditing and reporting requirements.

To rectify the Obama Administration’s folly, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) introduced legislation, which the Senate recently passed unanimously, that would force Chinese companies to comply with our securities rules and regulations or risk de-listing from our exchanges. Congress is now being joined by the Trump Administration, which again is undertaking its own review.

America granted China entry into the world economic architecture it largely built and maintained. China responded to our benevolence not by conforming to the “liberal international order” but by taking advantage of it—lying, cheating, stealing, and increasingly coercing in its quest for dominance. As American corporations kowtow to China, and American media propagates CPC narratives, it would seem the globalist elites who encouraged this policy had it backwards. We have not changed China. China has changed us.

Wall Street was the leading edge of the globalist business community’s decades-long lobby to permit a China trade that promised great fortunes in access to a market of more than one billion Chinese citizens, and a labor pool unencumbered by American standards. For at least two decades, Beijing has courted senior American financial executives to press U.S. presidential administrations for greater trade liberalization, while said executives’ banks have received massive underwriting and advisory fees relating to Chinese commerce.

Biden arrived in Washington, D.C. a year after Nixon went to China. He sat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for three decades, serving as chair or ranking member from 1997 onwards. If any political figure outside of the Oval Office could have helped change the course of U.S.-China relations, it would have been the senator from Delaware. Yet during his long career, covering practically the entire arc of the U.S.-PRC relationship, there is virtually zero evidence that he ever opposed the effort to propel China to prominence. Today, as a direct consequence of this neglect, China could sneeze and the world would end up paralyzed.

Indeed, Biden has been a reliable proponent of not just PRC integration, but ascendance. Reminiscing about his participation in a 1979 delegation to visit Deng Xiaoping months after the U.S. and PRC had normalized relations, then-V.P. Biden stated in May 2011 at the U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue that “as a young member of a Foreign Relations Committee, I wrote and I said and I believed then what I believe now: that a rising China is a positive, positive development, not only for China but for America and the world writ large.”

He has never renounced this statement...

So much for not posting a wall of text. Sheesh...

Cliffs: Biden has been in office for so long that he is partially responsible for the rise of China. Liberalization was supposed to bring China into our world but the opposite has happened, and US corps are bowing down to the commies in favor of getting a piece of the Chinese pie, which China is not willing to give out. :lol: Suckers.

A vote for Biden is to continue to allow China to dominate the US and the world.
They're throwing the election so they can burn Trumps country down.

Do Democrats understand that black people only make up 13% of the population? About 20% of that 13% are felons and can't vote, so that leaves about 9-10% of the US population that they have diverted their entire campaign to.

And they wonder why they can't win an election in the midwest battleground states.

There's Political Science Majors in college who could come up with a better campaign strategy.

They will not be able to win without cheating (that doesn't even include the msm lies/omissions of news)
and if they can't win they have to burn it down