[Official] GoT S5 Thread

ok well here it is

what the fuck selmy died?

are u effing kidding me

oh well i guess a lot more is happening faster
i love how the elitest fighting force the world knows got owned by a bunch of rich faggots with knives

that dragon shot with tyrion was bitchin
i hope the queen lets her dragons eat the city, that'd be nice
who knows? maybe it has something to do with the fact you can pay them to do pretty much anything

even things like sex
Unsullied are trained for formation assaults, not for policing alleyways. Even still, the 7 of them took out a good 30 harpies. The promo for next week makes it look like Selmy's dead, but if they were going to do that they might as well have done the throat slit instead of having Grey Worm save him. Still, they could easily combine Selmy and Jorah's plot going forward.