we are entering a new era on tw

This place also flew off the rails when the rep system was put in. It basically encourages people to see who can be the best troll.
i feel like this sums up the last 3 pages, and basically every thread in tw

Groove, if you don't have anything to lose why not take the trip?

Living with regret is the worst thing in life.
I'm very far from a neocon

I want to cut military spending, we need that shit at home
Also bring all of our kids home from useless wars. All of them.
I want more research in alternative energy
I don't want to kill mexicans or black people, I love everyone
I'm an atheist

you probably think im some sort of repiblitard because I think the constitution and all of the amendments need to be permanently upheld (including the 2nd)

I also think digging for an transporting our own oil is a good idea

And I seriously think government needs to get the fuck out of our lives

and sometimes I make racist comments but I'm not sure how anyone can take them seriously

holy shit i am this exactly, except for the whole not wanting to kill mescans or niggers thing, and of course the creationist thing, ya know