we are entering a new era on tw

vlasic do u remember when i spammed ur nerd pic all over TWL forumand u bann ed me cuz u take intervert admin very seriously and u were angry neocon so u over moderate forum much like nash 2day

I had to ban you, you were spamming.

groove: you should of started your own thread. That withstanding, here are my comments on your situation (which you should completely ignore):
  • you're too old to follow your dick around. my god bro, grow the fuck up.
  • If you really want to move to Cali, then do it, and be prepared to man up.
  • Its going to be ridiculously expensive, and ridiculously awesome at the same time.
  • If you can handle working 60hrs a week, and have good people skills, you might make it.
  • LA still sucks. I'd rather have 10 roommates and live at the beach with a pool then live in LA proper. Just sayin.
  • If you get really depressed, I'll come buy you some food or something. LA is only an hour or 2 away.... and I feel sorry for stupid Canadians.
  • no culo
idk if vlasic is neocon after his comment 30 seconds ago in my other thread

I'm very far from a neocon

I want to cut military spending, we need that shit at home
Also bring all of our kids home from useless wars. All of them.
I want more research in alternative energy
I don't want to kill mexicans or black people, I love everyone
I'm an atheist

you probably think im some sort of repiblitard because I think the constitution and all of the amendments need to be permanently upheld (including the 2nd)

I also think digging for an transporting our own oil is a good idea

And I seriously think government needs to get the fuck out of our lives

and sometimes I make racist comments but I'm not sure how anyone can take them seriously
groove: you should of started your own thread. That withstanding, here are my comments on your situation (which you should completely ignore):

[*]you're too old to follow your dick around. my god bro, grow the fuck up.

i get this all the time, and tbh its a valid criticism but long story short - i spent a lot of my 20's and early 30's taking care of my father who attempted suicide 4 times before dying of cancer. i never really got to do the shit that other ppl did like getting married and having kids.

although i don't regret the time i spent with my pops even for a minute and it was a decision i made to prioritize that over everything else

i do regret not living my own life more

and that's something i don't want to feel forever

like yes, its crazy, yes it's immature (and im totally immature, no doubt) but i've lived in regret for so long that the last thing i want to do is lose an opportunity and live the next 15 years in regret like i have the past 15
well then bang that 25 year old valley bitch in the ass, and enjoy yourself. fuck her best friend when she breaks up with you, and fuck her Mom when she text you to complain about you fucking her best friend.
thats what im sayin

and also

there's no way at my age i'm doing any better than this chick, for sure

like there isn't exactly an abundance of cute girls into 37 year old slacker stoners with ptsd issues

at least not 'round here
do it and live with knowing you at least had half a sack to put some risk out there

or play it safe and always wonder

do you own a bolo tie
the only thing thats actually keeping me in this city is my elderly mom

who if i told her what i was thinking would drive me to the airport and tell me not to come back until i had grandkids for her

getting married after dating less than a year just seems nuts to me thats all

especially after a recent divorce

every1s got their own appetite for risk might as well just go with your gut feeling