FBI reopening investigation of Hillary Clinton email server

DrJonez is even more retarded than I remember.

The only thing I really remember about him is that he really loved Windows Vista. When people posted that they didn't like Vista for one reason or another, he seemed to take it personally.
The only thing I really remember about him is that he really loved Windows Vista. When people posted that they didn't like Vista for one reason or another, he seemed to take it personally.

that's definitely a good sign of retardation
Poor America. Such a tough choice: a lying, misogynist, racist, dangerous, unpredictable narcissist, or a woman who used the wrong email.
What more are we going to find? More evidence that Hilary is a terrible fucking person? Shocker. The funny part is that the only worse person than Hilary out there is the other candidate.

What a fucking joke. This election is just fucking embarrassing.
It's only the beginning. HellDawg is gonna have one scandal after another every fucking day while in office. And Bill will have them while in orifice.
maybe they shouldn't fucking sit on emails for 1.5 years
fucking stupid ass hackers and wiki fucks

we coulda had Bernie The Bear Jew Sanders once Clinton got torpedoed plus the rest of Washington voted out for new idiots

now the election is going to get fucking weird
TRUMP could win which is a fucking travesty sorry bros it is
I'd have liked a marco dehydrated Rubio republican candidate

this shit coulda come out 8 months ago to shape the primary elections for EVERY fucking thing
congressional races
state races
fucking hell

"there's some damning stuff in there, lets just fucking hint at it and drop light taps to the glove"

Ur a noodle armed pussy d00.. rofl
don't gotta prove ur a cuckin sjw we no
Is this just a way for the FBI to stop FOIA requests for the original investigation until after the election?

It's not like the FBI hasn't been helping her out as much as they can.
Has anyone ever been elected that was under investigation by the FBI?

How is this woman even allowed to be President? She could get impeached in her first year.
bill clinton is the real president

he's pulling a seat warmer putin/medvedev/putin move just like clinton/bush/obama/clinton

hillary's a moron that obviously can't even operate a toaster or a subway turnstyle or maintain a secure email server.

just need a warm body in the office so bill can resume his throne (and interns).
Maybe it's just all a way to have a husband and wife to both be censured presidents.

Set goals and achieve them.
Covering his ass so he doesn't have to testify at an impeachment hearing a year from now.