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  1. D

    [Video] blond hair guy - says faggot alot

    the video was like 20 minutes of him being a complete idiot but I want to show the video to my friend here. I think there was a puppet and it was in a crappy room. Video is pretty old I think he acts like a critic or an actor at the end ... Does anyone know what I am talking about ?
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    [so] new company computer $900 limit

    So I have the opportunity to purchase a desktop computer now. Company needs to spend some extra green ( apparently we did too well) so my computer was immediately approved. My question is with the limitations that it needs to be windows (.NET Developer) and I currently have 3 monitors, what...
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    So I was watching COD5 Zombie Mode

    and I thought to myself, the time is ripe for a zombie simulator. Here is my game idea. The game is all about killing zombies\surviving, etc., but also make it about how you would live, life simulation during this epic problem. The zombies could have a lot variance and no clues would be given...
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    you arrive at a public bathroom...

    there are 3 stalls, all available. You desperately need to "make a deposit". One does not have a door but is pristine. One has been defecated on in an unholy manner, and the stench and the stains tell a proud story of prolonged service. The third is in decent shape , but the floor is covered...
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    sometimes I don't feel like shaking

    so I wipe it off. Is that so wrong.
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    Typography buffs

    I am always so bad at doing this. What Font or fonts are used in this life teams image?
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    Any guitar buffs? - Gibson Es 135

    A few months ago we received as donation for a visiting pastor a guitar. The guitar was way too nice , so the pastor asked me to sell it . It's a Gibson ES 135, and according to guitar center was made on Feb. 6 , 1997. My question is , is there anyone here or that knows someone that could...
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    banks, Savings & loans and Credit Unions

    I was hoping some of you guys have had experience with the different type of "bank-esque" services that are out there now adays? What are the pros & cons and what companies would you recommend?
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    picked up T:V at Half Price for 4 bucks

    Does anyone play this? Is there anything I need to know, patches, maps etc.? For 4 bucks I figured I would just give a test, and what is it that sucked about it?
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    SO.. I just sold my Wii

    I made profit but I just feel like I gave it away. The reality is we weren't using it that much, we were actually using the Xbox more . Anyone else here getting tired of the Wii?
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    pee Shivers

    Mysterious Pee Shiver I get shivers during usually, not at the end. What about you TW, do you get the shivers? From the voting, it looks like its really common. Could this every day event, be one of the supplementary reasons why men are calmer (in general) than women?
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    Quantum physics - Double Slit experiment

    I realize this is just a cartoon, but I find this method of teaching really engrossing. StumbleVideo Is there anything else like this and does anyone know more about what has since in explaining this phenomena?
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    Study that showed babies died without physical contact

    When I was young I heard about this from just about everyone. Now that the internet is around I wanted to try to find it but I can't seem to pinpoint any relevant data. The study had various babies completely isolated from physical care. They had everything they needed to live, but no physical...
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    music > What do you call...

    a song that has only the instruments but not the band\artist's voice on it?
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    Legends front page digg

    Digg it because in some twisted TW-esque way , we are a part of it.
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    Flying Car in the works "make the transition" ( wink and a double finger point )
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    Hardware Challenge -Fill these requirements - make money

    Ok this is a test\ and also help for a friend who has got no budget. He knows autocad but he can't use without a computer so he needs one. The requirements for 3d modeling though are hefty. System requirements for AutoCAD 2007...
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    Starcraft CD Key

    I am trying to test out some Starcraft key issues here at my home, but I need to connect 2 computers to and I only have one key. Anyone want to give me their Key? PM if you are willing too. Thanks! :)
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    Cool games to run on Win XP 400Mhz Computers

    Ok so the lowest denominator of computers (2 of them) I possess for a group I work with are 450 and 500 Mhz. I was wondering if there are games out there that can be played on those computers. I have a couple like dark reign and starcraft. What about FPS like Blood, well not specifically blood...
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    What if I had a message from God...

    which was completely unpredictable, but the only way I could tell you was if you promised to devote your life to God once the event happened? Would you accept? The message would be very specific and like I said, something so unpredictable, and something that would not be stageable or performed...