you arrive at a public bathroom...


Veteran X
there are 3 stalls, all available. You desperately need to "make a deposit". One does not have a door but is pristine. One has been defecated on in an unholy manner, and the stench and the stains tell a proud story of prolonged service. The third is in decent shape , but the floor is covered in vomit, and you know they just had pot pie because of the chunks of chicken, corn and peas.

Leaving or holding it is not an option.

What would you choose TW and why?

I had this situation occur to me once and I am just wondering what other people would have done.
I also forgot mention this was the only public bathroom in a food courtesque place. It was around 1 and it was a large amount people coming in and going out. I was literally just staring at my options as people came in surveyed the situation and took off.
All the urinals were full. and it was a place where the urinals where in front of the bathroom stalls. on the opposite wall.
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Depends on the frequency of patronage of the restroom. If it seems to be 1 person per minute or less, then I choose the pristine restroom. If occupancy is higher then 1 person per minute then I choose the shitted up shitter and hover it.
btw, this isn't a hypotetetical. I had this situation occur to me once and I am just wondering what other people would have done.
the one without the door.
easy choice for me.

ive had many conversations while taking a shit in a stall with no doors.
lol gay.