Any guitar buffs? - Gibson Es 135


Veteran X
A few months ago we received as donation for a visiting pastor a guitar. The guitar was way too nice , so the pastor asked me to sell it . It's a Gibson ES 135, and according to guitar center was made on Feb. 6 , 1997. My question is , is there anyone here or that knows someone that could appraise the guitar or corroborate it's value? I know it used to retailed from 900 to 1300 but because of it's age could go for more now.

The pictures are on picasa (higher resolution)
Picasa Web Albums - daxmax - Gibson
Age would come into play if it were vintage, which it's not. It's probably worth close to the original retail if its in perfect condition.
If it's never been used it's worth about as much as the retail price, perhaps a tad less. Just because a guitar is 10 years old doesn't mean it's gone up in value.

If you want to try and inflate a guitar's value, go find a 50's Les Paul, or a 62 strat or something. But a guitar, esp a guitar that is a simple factory issue, made in 1997, isn't a collector's item.

Search on ebay, you'll probably find a ballpark figure to ask for. I'd estimate 700-800 bucks.
The guys knows we are selling it, he knows its worth a pretty penny and the money is better spent buying multiple medium quality instruments as opposed to having one high end instrument. Especially since these will be used in a third world country were the sound system setups in churches are very 'lite' .
A lot of folks will tell you it's worth close to retail. The reality is what the market will support - which is a lot less that what that guitar retailed for. It probably sold back in the late 90s for around $1200. Today, even unplayed, it's worth between $800 and $1000.
Reminds me of that M*A*S*H episode where Charles gives the orphans candy bars from home and gets pissed because the monk running the orphanage sold them on the black market. He turned around and bought food for weeks with the money and Charles felt like a dumbass.