[UKRAINE] whose side are you on ??

[UKRAINE] whose side are you on ??

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S-200 stray hitting an apartment building

The old Soviet bloc buildings can take a hit, alright.
Built like brick shit houses. All stacked up.
"Khrushchyovka" are the short ones...

Just don't ride the elevators ;)
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First, you might think you know what the term "organized crime" means. But if you have never had any experience with the mafia and cartels in Russia and the ex-soviet bloc - you don't have a clue. Organized crime IS government. It's the same thing. Two sides of one coin.

Putin is looking at the Ukraine as a crazy bitch. He thinks the Ukraine is like that old traitorous GF that doesn't just break up with you and live peacefully. No. She cheats on you and then starts sleeping with your worst enemy. She keeps digging at you and won't take you seriously. She keeps saying that you shouldn't mess with her because "Johnny" might get mad. Well, Putin just said fuck you and fuck Johnny and he went in like Scarface. The Ukraine is going to pay the price for acting like they were really free and independent. This pretty much spells out the future for all ex-soviet countries. You might think you are "free" but continue to pay your respect to the Motherland. Or? Well, we are watching the "or" part.

or your military gets made to look weak and untrained and stupid and you bankrupt your already poor fuck country?
I don't trust Russian state media on anything involving Russia, but I trust western jew media even less than that. And you can't trust any videos popping up on social media. Everyone is psy-opping and censoring everyone else at the same time.

There has never been a more incoherent war than this one.

ukrainian president is a jew too
i think you cracked the code!
As long as Russia gets a president installed that plays ball and keeps the money rolling in and the western military out all will be fine.
"We'll simply send our peacekeeping forces to restore order, replace the government with a better one, and leave" I say after waking up from my 21 year coma
The Russians have likely already taken most of the regions southeast of the Dnieper river. My assumption would've been that they're looking to build a buffer north from Crimea and east into the Donbas.

The limited attacks in the north, and the very subdued offensive on Kyiv, are targeted attacks and distractions IMO.

Putin isn't looking to overthrow their government. He's looking to beat them into submission, cripple their offensive capabilities, and take the Donbas - along with some form of guarantee from Zelenskyy not to seek NATO membership. Shouldn't be hard, considering the US has left them high and dry.
Coward Biden has destroyed the Earth against the wishes of Jesus Christ and needs to take action immediately
This is just Putin's method of reminding everyone that Russia doesn't have a problem killing innocents and using force if they don't get their way. Eventually a leader who plays ball is installed and things go back to the way they were.

It's stupid and it sucks for people just trying to live a peaceful life.
They aren't trying to wipe out the Ukraine. They are just trying to get them back in line.
Will they install a puppet government? It might get to that. Here's the line:

The Ukraine through their bad leadership has brought collapse upon itself.
Russia will lead a rebuilding effort to help the Ukraine purge the corruption from itself and stand alone as a strong and viable country once again.

Some shit like that.
Nothing about this invasion shows reckless killing of civilians. Its just not happening. This offensive is subdued and fairly precise. The amount of disinformation flying through OSINT sources is staggering. I've been watching this intently from the first shots and this part is by far the most interesting thing to note from the whole affair.
Just keep your eye on shit like this seeping into the news...
China’s Xi Jinping stresses cooperation with North Korea’s Kim under ‘new situation’
North Korean state media report didn't offer details on the 'new situation'
Nothing about this invasion shows reckless killing of civilians. Its just not happening. This offensive is subdued and fairly precise.

They just want to disrupt life so the people say "Hey? Why did the president lead us to this point?" and there is a "coup" etc. They aren't just riding around mowing people down. Yet.

Opening moves still.

Maybe if the world is serious about not letting this shit happen and makes it hurt, perhaps Russia will back off.
I don't think military retaliation is an option. So, get creative but make it effective.

Who the fuck knows. Here we are 2022. Still doing stupid shit.
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If Putin wanted to inflict as much harm on Ukraine as possible... we wouldn't have Ukrainians casually walking up to Russian soldiers and offering them a piece of their mind, or offering them a ride back to Russia.

Kyiv would be under heavy bombardment and no one would be casually driving around sharing the road with Russian armor.

None of this is in line with the narrative of "full invasion, occupation of Ukraine". This is like a much more focused action of a more direct and limited objective.

they're going to bloody Ukraine's nose
embarrass the west, especially NATO and the US administration.
secure the Donbas region and obtain recognition of their independence.
then go home, having signaled their resolve to any pro-Russian faction or neighboring region thinking of joining NATO.

If they end up with all of Ukraine, that would be by accident and the incompetency of the West and Ukraine.