Adventures in Sudan (update)

vanster taught alec baldwin [strike]calculus[/strike] cross draw

he quit but always forgets


glitch in the matrix
I thought vanster quit the forum? Did he relapse? The man just can’t kick his addictions.

Havax threatened to ban me if I didn't quit Discord. I still have my friends in the Dutch channel, but felt the need to redress the balance here. Lots of people make Havax mad, but I'm pretty much The King.

It's not healthy for either of us, but I do enjoy disrupting his day.
Havax threatened to ban me if I didn't quit Discord. I still have my friends in the Dutch channel, but felt the need to redress the balance here. Lots of people make Havax mad, but I'm pretty much The King.

It's not healthy for either of us, but I do enjoy disrupting his day.

your old man babbling is tiresome. I never threatened to ban you if you didn't quit discord. I couldn't ban you from discord anyway you stupid fucking noob. fake news from the real redneck that owns 17 guns.
Over the years, Data has asked me to name them all several times, because he didn't believe it either. I've done it at least twice. For the purposes of this Tuesday night I will say only 2 pistols, 1 shotgun and 14 long guns. Search for it, or don't, I really don't care. I don't think Havax has ever owned, or shot a gun.
Over the years, Data has asked me to name them all several times, because he didn't believe it either. I've done it at least twice. For the purposes of this Tuesday night I will say only 2 pistols, 1 shotgun and 14 long guns. Search for it, or don't, I really don't care. I don't think Havax has ever owned, or shot a gun.

you're totally right man I've never even seen a gun in real life
Car attacked with poop