No Laurie For Me (NLFM)

NGFM - you don't need a permanent GF and should run around like Johnny Appleseed doing the old pump and dump. The hammer and the highway. The ram and jam. The bam and scram. The shoot and boot. The cock and rock. You should dress all in black leather and be reborn as The Cock Slinger. A living Sexual Vengeance Flick. You should travel the world making other women pay for Laurie's behavior. Do it until you are cleansed of her sin.
Brasstits old boy, you do post a lot of shit and mostly it's amusing. But when Tehvul starts agreeing with you it's time for a new schtick.
Brasstits old boy, you do post a lot of shit and mostly it's amusing. But when Tehvul starts agreeing with you it's time for a new schtick.

Tehvul is 10x more of a man than you. He could take you out in a second with his catlike reflexes.
Fact Check: True

Brasstits old boy, you do post a lot of shit and mostly it's amusing. But when Tehvul starts agreeing with you it's time for a new schtick.

You have nothing to do with this site prior to joining for whatever reason.

You are a masochist because everyone shits on you; something something poop truck.
Hear hear Brother Falhawk. Mitch is an outsider by choice. An evil little pustule that oozes rancid poison into our midst. He is a 1x1 inch gelatinous cube made from feces that slides down the hallowed halls of TW leaving his ugly little track wherever he goes.
It's all good. I dont pick on midgets irl. You can rest easy then kill yourself manlet.

Seriously? You're at the very most an inch and a half taller than me and you still want to jump on that bandwagon? You can have your inch and a half and I'll pass on the asshole cancer and lifetime of fucked up life choices. GG hi 5.
Seriously? You're at the very most an inch and a half taller than me and you still want to jump on that bandwagon? You can have your inch and a half and I'll pass on the asshole cancer and lifetime of fucked up life choices. GG hi 5.

I will out live you. Your wife, and one of your kids. Thought you should know.

kys manlet
Brasstits old boy, you do post a lot of shit and mostly it's amusing. But when Tehvul starts agreeing with you it's time for a new schtick.

How about when everyone thinks you are an idiot and you rage post 99% of the time even on the most trivial thing?