No Laurie For Me (NLFM)

Great post Samuwell. I had seen that video on the YT feed but not the response from the guy. Sounds like Laurie to me. Bully cry, Bully Cry is what they do. Yes, one could hit it, but crazy is crazy. Men are better at taking care of the kids.
Great post Samuwell. I had seen that video on the YT feed but not the response from the guy. Sounds like Laurie to me. Bully cry, Bully Cry is what they do. Yes, one could hit it, but crazy is crazy. Men are better at taking care of the kids.
Only women bring up things from the past over and over and over.


Get over it bro you sound like an emotional women crying about something from 25 years ago.
Write the ngfm ending
for this lost girl
(include ed 4 extra pts)

No one replied, so I will.

She's 32. The age limit for having kids is 35. She got a job on a cruise ship to travel the world then met someone. This is because working while traveling isn't fun verses having the man pay for everything. Traveling is a lot of work to plan everything out. What is portrayed in commercials and magazines is "Moments" that show the best parts of a trip. The rest of the time is waiting in lines and sitting in a cramped seat on a jet. Is it fun the entire time? No.
I feel she's saying that a relationship is not the Disney / Hallmark movie or the best moments you see in the commercials and magazines. It's work because in the end life is a grind taking care of stuff.

The article ended short because it gave some back story on how they met, and she changed plans to be with him, how they've been traveling, then it ended without saying why it wasn't as romantic as it seemed.

Ok, so she's a chick that loves to travel. Great, most chicks are. If you look at dating profiles, they all put in Travel as something they like to do. Why? Because the man is paying for everything unless they're going alone or with the girls. They get to see a new place and eat at different places. But it's a grind to make it all happen. I think that's what the author was talking about.

I could give another example of this. I travel across the country to ride roller coasters. The ride last about a minute. Yet look at what I have to do.. Fly on a jet, rent a car, rent a hotel room, wait in long lines at the ride (queues), then I finally get that 1 minute of fun.