an update on tribalwar's vaccine status

covid vaxed?

  • Total voters
Here's my vaccine status:

I had covid. It felt like a minor cold. I couldn't smell stuff for a week.
My immunity is likely greater than your cocktail of who-the-fuck-knows-what.
cocktail of who-the-fuck-knows-what.

That is the exact argument of someone that is distrustful of vaccines and doesn't know that is in one.

It's fair to be cautious, and I'm going to respect it. What I can do, for a small amount of time is say that I understand immunology and will answer your questions.

My first one: Where are you getting your information?
Vanster, Skittlebrew is going to begin selling you essential oils if you're not careful.
It has nothing to do with thinking that vaccinations are bad and you should just rub leaves on it.

  • Abilify
  • Accutane
  • Actos
  • Avandia
  • Avelox
  • Bravelle
  • Clomid
  • Cymbalta
  • Depakote
  • Fosamax
  • Granuflo
  • Invokana lawsuit
  • Levaquin
  • Lipitor
  • Lyrica
  • Nexium
  • Opiods
  • Paxil
  • Plavix
  • Pristiq
  • Risperdal
  • Rogaine
  • Taxotere
  • Testosterone
  • Xarelto
  • Xifaxan
  • Yaz/Yasmin
  • Zofran
  • Zoloft

This is a short list of drugs that are involved or have been involved in class action lawsuits due to side effects that in many cases are worse than the illness they were created to cure. After years of R&D, years of testing and FDA approval, and they all ended up fucking people up but they still got kicked out to the public because there was money to be made.

So if these medications, made by more or less the same companies, processes and in some cases the people are made in such a shitty fashion that they fuck people up to the point that class action lawsuit(s) form around them within months of their release, what the fuck makes anyone think that the vaccine that was shoved through R&D and approval in 9 months is something you should take without question?
That is the exact argument of someone that is distrustful of vaccines and doesn't know that is in one.

It's fair to be cautious, and I'm going to respect it. What I can do, for a small amount of time is say that I understand immunology and will answer your questions.

My first one: Where are you getting your information?

So, you're entire argument for why I should get an untested vaccine for an illness that I've already had and probably already have immunity to is because I should trust the government?

I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I am against being pressured to do anything. Period. It's as plain as that.

On top of that, No... I do not trust the government. The same assholes who have been lying to us from day one about the origins of the virus.
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Freedom of Speech, let 'em take it from me
Next they'll take it from you, then what you gonna do?
Let 'em censor books, let 'em censor art
PMRC, this is where the witch hunt starts
You'll censor what we see, we read, we hear, we learn
The books will burn
You better think it out
We should be able to say anything, our lungs were meant to shout
Say what we feel, yell out what's real
Even though it may not bring mass appeal
Your opinion is yours, my opinion is mine
If you don't like what I'm sayin'? Fine
But don't close it, always keep an open mind
A man who fails to listen is blind
We only got one right left in the world today
Let me have it or throw The Constitution away

What they're trying to do with radio, with this, uh, McCarron-Walter Act and a lot of other ways, is start by saying that they're protecting the public from wicked rock bands, or girlie magazines, or whatever. But, if you follow the chain of dominoes that falls down, what they're really trying to do is shut off our access to information itself.

If they can't do it by law they know there's other ways to do it.
did u post selfies of u getting the vax on ur facebook?

I will concede that shit got old quick.

As long as people were getting vaccinated I allowed it, but Goddamn it became exhausting faster than an ultra.
my sciense nanobot mind control juice is chudding me over to krispy kreme. die sooner conservaloons
It has nothing to do with thinking that vaccinations are bad and you should just rub leaves on it.

  • Abilify
  • Accutane
  • Actos
  • Avandia
  • Avelox
  • Bravelle
  • Clomid
  • Cymbalta
  • Depakote
  • Fosamax
  • Granuflo
  • Invokana lawsuit
  • Levaquin
  • Lipitor
  • Lyrica
  • Nexium
  • Opiods
  • Paxil
  • Plavix
  • Pristiq
  • Risperdal
  • Rogaine
  • Taxotere
  • Testosterone
  • Xarelto
  • Xifaxan
  • Yaz/Yasmin
  • Zofran
  • Zoloft

This is a short list of drugs that are involved or have been involved in class action lawsuits due to side effects that in many cases are worse than the illness they were created to cure. After years of R&D, years of testing and FDA approval, and they all ended up fucking people up but they still got kicked out to the public because there was money to be made.

So if these medications, made by more or less the same companies, processes and in some cases the people are made in such a shitty fashion that they fuck people up to the point that class action lawsuit(s) form around them within months of their release, what the fuck makes anyone think that the vaccine that was shoved through R&D and approval in 9 months is something you should take without question?
Do you have a list of drugs made by those same companies that didn't involve a lawsuit and are working just fine? How long do you reckon that list is?
Natural immunity has nothing on Big Science. Look, Big Science got us into this COVID situation. Big Science will get us out. Nature needs to understand when it has been conquered.
Shit, I'm taking a few things on that list every day. Maybe I'll get a payout soon!

Interesting that I have probably 10 different vaccines in me at the moment, but b/c I am not that keen on getting the Covax, I'm labelled an anti vaxxer :lol:

I didn't get Hep A&B shots until I started spending a lot of time in Asian shitholes. You get the vax when you think there is a risk of catching something that will harm you. I don't think there is any risk of me catching covid, in fact I would put it at near zero.

But hey, apparently I'm an anti-science anti-vaxxer.

People trying to push the vaccine don't seem to realise that doing this actually makes people even more unlikely to get it.