an update on tribalwar's vaccine status

covid vaxed?

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Do you have a list of drugs made by those same companies that didn't involve a lawsuit and are working just fine? How long do you reckon that list is?

Does it matter? A company can make 1000's drugs that work, but the one they make that kills 1000's of people negates all that.

If you're a sociopath and only care about yourself.


Doesn't seem to have mattered previously with all the other vaccines out there
I've never seen anyone called out for not having their TB or Chicken pox jab before.

if you have had it why should you worry what others do? You're protected. Aren't you? CLAUDE

also - yes, I do pretty much only care for myself. Anyone with an ounce of sense will get their own vaccination, I am not responsible for them or their welfare.


Doesn't seem to have mattered previously with all the other vaccines out there
I've never seen anyone called out for not having their TB or Chicken pox jab before.
Are you blind or stupid? People have been calling out anti-vaxxers not vaccinating their children for years. Spoiler alert: the reasoning has been exactly the same as I'm about to give you now.

if you have had it why should you worry what others do? You're protected. Aren't you? CLAUDE

also - yes, I do pretty much only care for myself. Anyone with an ounce of sense will get their own vaccination, I am not responsible for them or their welfare.
Bring back that goalpost, yo. You were advocating for not getting vaccinated unless you yourself are at risk. Even if you really aren't at risk (something which you're probably not in a position to judge btw, but let's roll with it), by not vaccinating yourself you become a vector who can spread the virus to other, more vulnerable people. Thus you are actively part of the problem... unless you don't consider other people's suffering as a result of your neglect a problem because you're a sociopath.
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i heard in canada they are sometimes mixing vaxes due to a limited supply. amram could have gotten az for his first shot and then moderna for his second.
not sometimes. They are recommending it and actioning it.

Im still waiting for my second shot thanks to the wonders of utopian healthcare systems.
Gotta have your kids vaccinated to be in school (pre-covid)

you mean with the vaccines that took years to get tested and approved and have been used on millions of people over decades?

Totally the same thing as a vaccine created and released within a year to be tested on everyone that gets it.

April 6, 2023, Pfizer phase 3 trial officially ends.
May something, 2023, Moderna's phase 3 trial officially ends.

I dont like partaking in beta testing for software or video games because shit is always breaking down so...
I'm going to have to say that 60 voters has me astonished.

Not for a moment would I thought TW was able to supply half that. Well Done TW.
guys you need to inject experimental and potentially dangerous shit into your body, and your childrens bodies, because it will make amadeus safer maybe

think of amadeus