Black People Twitter/Reddit openly discriminating against whites now.

They closed blackpeopletwitter and you now have to "verify" youre not white to access it. This is the message theyre putting up on their front page. Keep in mind this isn't racist and if you have a problem with it YOU are actually the racist. How can any white person still be liberal and vote democratic after seeing how much the left hates white people and men in general?

Due to the overwhelming amount of white people and white opinions present on BPT, we are now restricting access to this sub for black folks only.

Should you wish to gain access to post and comment on BPT again, please send us a modmail or make a verification post here at /r/bptmeta. Please keep in mind that it may take some time to process your request as Reddit has stringent ratelimits on the amount of folks we can add per hour, but we will be working as quickly as possible.

If you are white, you may be afforded access if you appropriately apologize for your whiteness . Whites will be admitted on a case by case basis.

In the meantime, please feel free to voice your opinion on this here at /r/BPTmeta.

P.S. do not post links to your social media accounts. we do not want to doxx you. A simple pic of your arm or whatever with your /u/ will work just fine.
umm, it's not like i couldn't just grab a black person's arm picture and photoshop my /u/ on it
reddit/twitter/facebook were already shitholes

Yeah of course but this is like actual explicit racial discrimination that the media, liberals, people in general are OK with. It is time self hating whites like mitch realize the other side and the left in general hate you and would prefer it if you were dead or gone. It is time for whites to start aggressively acting in their own self interests like every other racial group
reddit/twitter/facebook were already shitholes


And why the fuck would any (sane) white person want access to blackpeopletwitter?

Being white has it's privileges.
Not getting called out for Being a Whiny Bitch™ isn't one of them.
Not having to care when people of other ethnic groups are Being a Whiny Bitch™ certainly is.

And why the fuck would any (sane) white person want access to blackpeopletwitter?

Being white has it's privileges.
Not getting called out for Being a Whiny Bitch™ isn't one of them.
Not having to care when people of other ethnic groups are Being a Whiny Bitch™ certainly is.

so your advice is to ignore it? Do you know how well thats working in any other country where whites start to become a minority?
do it havax
i fucking hate this shit actually tbh

just hurts the whole melting pot ideal of america and draws more attention to race
Just say you like hot sauce and that you've seen every Madea movie and you'll get in. What's the problem?
do it havax
i fucking hate this shit actually tbh

just hurts the whole melting pot ideal of america and draws more attention to race

The only time minorities want diversity is when it means MORE of them, NEVER less. Look at any black/muslim country and they are all 99% black/muslim. They kill outside groups. The minorities here do not care about diversity
a jews/nigs only place/online/watever just makes it easier to identify where the bombs must go :sunny:
tbh mun b telln yall rite dafuq nao dem kinda blak peeps r tr00 disgr8c 2 munrace negroz tbh mjs (mun yus sayn) smdh lol :jester:
Who cares? Let them have a blacks only sub. I am all for being able to have "X" only groups.
people got mad they had their own water fountain now same people mad they didnt have their own subreddit