[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

No this means we finally got Trump, boys!

Pee pee tapes releasing!

Trump impeachment any day now!
like how the only evidence of interference was provided by Democrats, written by Democrats, and paid for by Democrats?
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Hot off the rumor mill!

Trump White House Preparing To Replace Liberal Supreme Court Justice?

Whispers are rampant throughout D.C. that a vacancy is imminent on the U.S. Supreme Court – one that is currently taken by one of the most liberal members of the Court.

It has the Trump White House giddy over the prospect of potentially and forcefully shifting the balance of power on the Court while Democrats in Congress are said to be warning White House staff of a prolonged and brutal fight should President Trump attempt to replace a liberal Justice with a hardline-conservative nominee.

The reason for the Justice’s alleged departure is said to be “ongoing illness/physical limitations.”
idk wat i saw in the rumor mill was that ginsburg said she's doing the john mccain memorial "i'll never quit, u gotta haul my corpse out of the office" move
People are probably just bored with awards shows. They all blend into one same event. It's like "Who is going to be the brave one this week and stand up to the fascist leader putting us all in camps?"