i mean if u dont know what the difference is between total dictatorial control over every aspect of every day life for citizens and government programs to provide essential goods and services(something they teach u in middle school here) then idk wat to tell u
It is like the difference between indentured servitude and slavery

The only difference is your perception of choice or say (which you may or may not have)

At some point... given the right boundary conditions....the two are indistinguishable

If cradle to grave control over your and housing isn't absolute control wtf is?
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ya removing all personal property from everyone, forcing people into certain professions and removing personal liberties is exactly the same as public use pools and mail services

i am defeated
Hey guys...I don't care

Cause you didn't build that

And I don't

Tax rate can be 300% and I don't care

Cause i don't pay

That should be the disclaimer at the bottom of all these Socialist vs. Communist debates
ya removing all personal property from everyone, forcing people into certain professions and removing personal liberties is exactly the same as public use pools and mail services

i am defeated

As with all good gateway drugs you don't sleep in the gutter and sell your body for a fix until you completely run out of money to fund your habits

Let's see how quick socialism turns to communism now that nobody will lend these bankrupt and insolvent EU and SA countries more money

How much they respect private property with new bail ins. Cash and property grabs

How little a whore in Greece will soon go for

The bills are due and can't be paid with more comes communism

Maybe this why Muky became a bank lender of last
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people dont like hillary.

it has very little to do with Bernie. What does help bernie is how consistent and how reliable his past history dictates.

I think its very easy to see.

This. Hillary is exactly what this country does not need 4 years of.

This whole election is a shitstorm. Bernie/Hillary/Trump/Cruz/Rubio

Really? There's not one that does not scare the fuck out of me.

Bernie may be the least evil. Sure his left wing stuff will cost us tons, but he won't start any new wars which alone is probably a wash if not better.
If u wanna have a discussion u need to:

1) take a grade 8 social studies class on different political systems
2) stop making strawmen
3) make points that are actually valid in the real world( how long until socialist countries in yurop turn into communists???!!!!111 is pretty fuckin lol)

Or explain how any bankrupt nation can pay for social services that they very clearly can no longer afford

Where does the free shit and free ride funding come from?

Answer: debt

Not just debt we can never ever repay...but can't even make interest payments on for much longer

You can pull your well that is South America....that is only some of Europe....that is Africa strawmen until they Keynesian cows come home

Japan just went NIRP....your believed Canada is next....followed inevitably by the USA

You only have the temporary comfort that you are not the worst smelling turd to comfort you that your ideological beliefs aren't as devoid and insolvent as your nation will soon be

Then what? Then your nation folds or they get fucking nasty. The kind of nasty that could only he paved by the controls you continue to give your government
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Remember that time that I said anything that would have prompted that post from u?

Me neither
Hey shit for all

4 trillion to 8 trillion between 2000-2008
8 trillion to 20+ trillion between 2008-2016

Bernie can take us to 200+ trillion in another eight years.

Then we can really party
Remember that time that I said anything that would have prompted that post from u?

Me neither

Remember that time you showed that you cared for socialism less than anything and everything else. Even an honest discussion. Or fiscal insolvency?

Me neither
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I would ask how many times you guys maxed out all your credit cards to feed the hungry and homeless in your areas

But didn't..because we know you wouldn't hurt your credit and waste your time doing something that dumb

That is only what you vote for on a national level. Demand with debts and deficits.

Then argue nuanced difference between hands up and hands out when the same shit happens
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Or explain how any bankrupt nation can pay for social services that they very clearly can no longer afford

How about the wars and rich tax cuts and god knows how many "economic stimulus"?

The only difference is how the money is wasted.

Nobody ever cuts anything. Nobody even ever maintains what is spent. Both parties bend over backwards for big business.
If you want to keep accusing people of being dishonest you might want to occasionally make arguments that are more than strawmen and false analogies. You wouldn't want to be accused of being a hypocrite would you?
Coombz loves niggers so much he probably gave his UK citizenship and house to them

Then white flighted to New Zealand on the red eye express

You tolerant and compassionate loons are so adorable... I mean deplorable
first we started with u not knowing the difference between socialism and communism

then it somehow devolved into u asking me how to deal with crippling debt in a country i dont live in or have ever been to or have any idea of the circumstances around said debt

then u made the strange equivalence that the more a country goes into said debt, the higher the chance that it turns into full blown stalinism (which is funny because even if you want to take the classical definition of socialism as the stepping stone to commuinism, this requires an extreme overabundance of production from said country to allow for the transition to take place (from each to his ability, to each according to their contribution into from each to his ability, to each according to their needs) which is the exact opposite of "debt so bad the country goes down the shitter")

now i really dont know what ur talking about

it is real fun to be able to say 1 liners and u spaz the fuck out on a bunch of different tangents not related to what i said tho
i mean if u dont know what the difference is between total dictatorial control over every aspect of every day life for citizens and government programs to provide essential goods and services(something they teach u in middle school here) then idk wat to tell u

Where exactly does the Constitution say it is to provide essential goods and services? Don't try that General Welfare clause bullshit either; that dog dont hunt. The only thing I recall is providing a postal system, not welfare and 79+ 'means tested' other social handouts.

And you sure as hell dont understand the Bill of Rights.

Statism (socialism / communism) is the antithesis to those Rights.

People like you are stupid enough to really believe that a massive gvt will somehow put you before itself. Yeah, it's surely benevolent.
