[Walking Dead] Can these characters get any dumber?

The first season was good, the second season is slid downhill fast. The problem? Seem the writers are attempting to maintain some sort of "drama" by making the characters continue to maintain humanity and "being civilized" and it obviously doesn't work when the WHOLE WORLD IS THROWN BACK TO THE STONE AGE... Well maybe not literally, but with governments collapsed and law thrown out the door along with electricity, modern convenience, etc. it may well should be.

They should be focused more on trying to settle somewhere and surviving enough to thrive before worrying about "if our marriage still works"...
Giving mouth to mouth to a potential zombie? Seriously... The characters are screwed as it is making good decisions, do the writers really have to make them completely retarded to add suspense?

Lori is chronically stupid. That was completely in keeping with her character.
giving mouth to mouth to someone whose heart just stopped isnt that dangerous because the virus doesnt take over the brain in 20 seconds

The first season was good, the second season is slid downhill fast. The problem? Seem the writers are attempting to maintain some sort of "drama" by making the characters continue to maintain humanity and "being civilized" and it obviously doesn't work when the WHOLE WORLD IS THROWN BACK TO THE STONE AGE... Well maybe not literally, but with governments collapsed and law thrown out the door along with electricity, modern convenience, etc. it may well should be.

They should be focused more on trying to settle somewhere and surviving enough to thrive before worrying about "if our marriage still works"...

Mind you, wasn't Season 2 also in the middle of the whole writer's strike crap? I will say that S3 isn't terribly exciting so far either, but we're only 2 episodes in and I've enjoyed it so far. Much better than the constant Sophia shit we had before. Rick is sort of a badass and doesn't put up with much it seems, and Carl is actually somewhat bearable and useful now.

Lori and Hershel's other daughter are useless however. I'm simply waiting for them to die.
Correct. In the episode where Shane and Rick finally throw down, it's mentioned that the walker police officers didn't have any bite wounds and that "maybe they got scratched." I don't think we've seen any evidence that anything outside of a bite can kill you. Even then, we really haven't seen anyone actually die from a bite. Jim has been the only character (other than Herschel) that was properly bitten and though he got sick, we never saw him die. Sophia had evidence of a bite on her arm, though.

And agreed on the "gruesome death" factor. I guess in the zombie apocalypse there's no such thing as "natural causes." ;)

Well, we also have that link from someone, somewhere, about the episode we were supposed to see from the new season
Frank Darabont's Amazing Walking Dead Episode That You'll Never See

The writer is talking about a zombie soldier, from the tank in Atlanta. The guy is bitten and knows he's gonna become zombified [theoretically cuz the military is actually told some facts about the contagion], so he wants to off himself yadda yadda. We know he zombifies since he is the one in the tank from S1. So bites DO kill you. Just slowly.

Technically you can argue that the survivor characters assume they are gonna die from bites? Or was there a moment at the CDC bunker where the technician actually told them directly? I don't remember now. Either way they all know for sure, that simply keeling over dead from any cause, means you will rise, if your head is intact.

So we have first, a carrier virus everyone has already, seems to be airborne. Then we have an active virus that causes corpses to reanimate, and once that happens, the virus becomes infectious by fluid contact from either the mouth, or now from I guess fluid ooze that makes scratches dangerous? So far the shit with the black convict getting scratched and everyone freaking is not a confirmed method of transmission; they just assumed it was, freaked and the prisoner gets offed as a coming zombie.

It just feels like suddenly even scratches are known ways of transmission but what has confirmed this for the audience other than the survivors making mention of it?
this show fuckn garbage and u have 2 b autistic not 2 see how terrible it is

if u have 2 sit down and explain minor plot pts to ppl that have a prblem w/ obvious inconsistencies (this show loaded w/ garbage lol) then the show prob sux
Well, we also have that link from someone, somewhere, about the episode we were supposed to see from the new season
Frank Darabont's Amazing Walking Dead Episode That You'll Never See

The writer is talking about a zombie soldier, from the tank in Atlanta. The guy is bitten and knows he's gonna become zombified [theoretically cuz the military is actually told some facts about the contagion], so he wants to off himself yadda yadda. We know he zombifies since he is the one in the tank from S1. So bites DO kill you. Just slowly.

Technically you can argue that the survivor characters assume they are gonna die from bites? Or was there a moment at the CDC bunker where the technician actually told them directly? I don't remember now. Either way they all know for sure, that simply keeling over dead from any cause, means you will rise, if your head is intact.

So we have first, a carrier virus everyone has already, seems to be airborne. Then we have an active virus that causes corpses to reanimate, and once that happens, the virus becomes infectious by fluid contact from either the mouth, or now from I guess fluid ooze that makes scratches dangerous? So far the shit with the black convict getting scratched and everyone freaking is not a confirmed method of transmission; they just assumed it was, freaked and the prisoner gets offed as a coming zombie.

It just feels like suddenly even scratches are known ways of transmission but what has confirmed this for the audience other than the survivors making mention of it?
That "prequel" that Darabont proposed would have been so fuckin' sweet...

As for bites, the doc at the CDC said his wife was bitten, then got sick, died, and turned. Same for the black guy's wife in the pilot, so we have a pretty good indication that a bite = eventual death. We just haven't *seen* someone die from a bite yet (like the cop in the original "Dawn of the Dead.") Scratches are still suspect.

And Veniggs, people might take your opinions more seriously if you made more use of things like spelling and grammar, and less use of things like insults.
At this point I think there's a carrier virus that reanimates the dead and getting bitten by a zombie is a different disease that just kills you (then the other virus reanimates).
At this point I think there's a carrier virus that reanimates the dead and getting bitten by a zombie is a different disease that just kills you (then the other virus reanimates).

Yes, the theory is the bite kills you (maybe with an infection?). People get a high fever and die. The bite doesn't turn people, dying does. Everyone just assumes that a zombie bite turns you because that's the way most stories go, but that doesn't have to be the case.

It is clear that everyone is infected from the start, which is why there are so many zombies. How else would prisoners inside locked jail cells get infected? There's still some inconsistencies with some people turning right away while others don't of course.

This season is definitely better. Last season was mostly awful but they cut down the over the top drama (Lori aside) and it is pretty good.
I hate all the characters on the show, I wish the writers would just kill them off and start again with a new group. The inconsistencies bother me as well. I hope they step it up.