Wisconsin Labor Rally Pictures

Vanster, how does it feel to be a part of a system that is inferior the rest of the modern world and here you are crawling in front of the state government building wanting to keep your right to be a shitty teacher?

i lol'd at 3 parts while writing that

no but seriously i think your problem is if more teachers were like you we wouldn't have a problem but dude I'm fairly fresh out of the public education system, most don't really give a fuck after they get tenured. ny, we have a decent system here national ranking wise. i thought wisconsin did too
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Oh and Vanster, just so you know. Many states do not allow collective bargaining with their public unions, and they're doing just fine.

Well I appreciate you letting me know that.

Combined SAT/ACT rankings for the states without collective bargaining rights for teachers:

* South Carolina -- 50th
* North Carolina -- 49th
* Georgia -- 48th
* Texas -- 47th
* Virginia -- 44th

Wisconsin ranked second, according to the source cited by the Economist.

Source is here: Unions: Teaching quality and bargaining | The Economist

A more lucrative contract means that the schools have a greater number of applicants to choose from when filling the position. The converse of this is that districts offering shit-contracts (sup Texas) get fewer applicants, and less qualified teachers.

Vanster, how does it feel to be a part of a system that is inferior the rest of the modern world and here you are crawling in front of the state government building wanting to keep your right to be a shitty teacher?

i lol'd at 3 parts while writing that

no but seriously i think your problem is if more teachers were like you we wouldn't have a problem but dude I'm fairly fresh out of the public education system, most don't really give a fuck after they get tenured. ny, we have a decent system here national ranking wise. i thought wisconsin did too

I don't think I'm a shitty teacher. :(
But in answer to your question: it sucks. I've had this love/hate relationship with teaching since 1993. I get out of it because of all the bullshit, and then start missing the kids, start kidding myself that I really could make a difference if I just did this, that, and the other. .next thing I know, I'm back in it again and hating the system, hating the union, and hating idiots like Triple and Ender that argue without really knowing anything at all.

Cliffs: How does it feel? It feels like shit.
Vanster, how does it feel to be a filthy liberal government hippy who wants to fight for governmental control of everything including the right to being able to piss standing up but here you are arguing that government does not know best despite your arguments to the contrary in every other topic. Do you feel as if you've been living a lie the entire time? Are you ready to embrace fngr as your lord and savior and pabst as the blood of christ?
Summer is used to get recency credits. I hear a lot about how high school math doesn't change from year to year so there is no need for recency credits. You're half right. While using a Riemann sum to approximate the area under a curve or something similar hasn't changed much, education laws are always changing. Everything from public law 94-142, to state graduation requirements, accreditation standards, standardized testing changes every year. More than that, pedagogy evolves as well, and while I do kind of roll my eyes when someone tells us we've been teaching how to obtain Riemann's sums ineffectively, there's usually something interesting in how someone has taken a fresh look at teaching an old topic.

Pedagogy is teaching how to teach, btw. It's a retarded word education administrators invented so they can feel smart.

Most professionals keep up with changing regs and reqs throughout the year without needing 3 months off.
Vanster, how does it feel to be a filthy liberal government hippy who wants to fight for governmental control of everything including the right to being able to piss standing up but here you are arguing that government does not know best despite your arguments to the contrary in every other topic.

he just doesnt like if its a republican pushing the buttons
Oh and Vanster, just so you know. Many states do not allow collective bargaining with their public unions, and they're doing just fine.

If by "many" states you mean 5, sure. And if by "doing fine" you mean ranking 34th (VA), 38th (NC), 45th (TX), 48th (GA), and 49th (SC) in SAT scores, sure.
Well I appreciate you letting me know that.

Combined SAT/ACT rankings for the states without collective bargaining rights for teachers:

* South Carolina -- 50th
* North Carolina -- 49th
* Georgia -- 48th
* Texas -- 47th
* Virginia -- 44th

Wisconsin ranked second, according to the source cited by the Economist.

Source is here: Unions: Teaching quality and bargaining | The Economist

A more lucrative contract means that the schools have a greater number of applicants to choose from when filling the position. The converse of this is that districts offering shit-contracts (sup Texas) get fewer applicants, and less qualified teachers.


FYI, those stats are from 1999. My previous post has the 2010 SAT rankings for the five non-union states, which is the more commonly taken test in those states. Wisconsin ranks 3rd on the SAT and 13th on the ACT (and almost all WI students take the ACT).
Well I appreciate you letting me know that.

Combined SAT/ACT rankings for the states without collective bargaining rights for teachers:

* South Carolina -- 50th
* North Carolina -- 49th
* Georgia -- 48th
* Texas -- 47th
* Virginia -- 44th

Wisconsin ranked second, according to the source cited by the Economist.

Source is here: Unions: Teaching quality and bargaining | The Economist

A more lucrative contract means that the schools have a greater number of applicants to choose from when filling the position. The converse of this is that districts offering shit-contracts (sup Texas) get fewer applicants, and less qualified teachers.


That doesn't mean that unions have any affect on students. All those stats show is that workers are willing to relocate to places that pay more. That's obvious and is the same with any line of work.

We spend 5x more per student than we did in 1960. Most states didn't allow collective bargaining for employees until the late 70s. Yet, test scores nationwide haven't risen at all since 1960.
good to know that quality of education is completely based upon if the teachers get a dental plan or not

i don't see any reason why it would be anything else

again it's like.. Im against this bill. Sort of.

Let me put it this way. Unions are like religion. Overall, they do good work and I support em. But the way they go about it is mind blowingly retarded.
Most professionals keep up with changing regs and reqs throughout the year without needing 3 months off.

Agreed, and teaching should be the same. Summers off is outdated, school should be year round. I'm just saying what I've done with my summers. This summer is going to be spent running races a lot.
* South Carolina -- 50th
* North Carolina -- 49th
* Georgia -- 48th
* Texas -- 47th
* Virginia -- 44th

Blacks/Mexicans Vs one of the whitest states other Maine.

Didn't you say in the last thread that even with good teaches, you can do a lot with bad populations?
FYI, those stats are from 1999. My previous post has the 2010 SAT rankings for the five non-union states, which is the more commonly taken test in those states. Wisconsin ranks 3rd on the SAT and 13th on the ACT (and almost all WI students take the ACT).

Yeah it's weird, Wyoming students take the ACT also, for some reason. Alaskan kids take both, and. . well that sums up the three states in which I have taught.
I didn't read the whole thread but yea. I live in Wisconsin and its pretty crazy here with this rally shit, alot of school haven't had school like a week ago. IDK if its just me or what but seems like we are seeing alot of protesting going on in the world within the past two months. Might have a war against the government. lol
Vanster, how does it feel to be a filthy liberal government hippy who wants to fight for governmental control of everything including the right to being able to piss standing up but here you are arguing that government does not know best despite your arguments to the contrary in every other topic. Do you feel as if you've been living a lie the entire time? Are you ready to embrace fngr as your lord and savior and pabst as the blood of christ?

wtf if you keep posting like this imma put a fucking gun in my mouth, jesus christ.

Oh hey, for you guys that have stayed with the thread this long, I'll share with you a stupid story:

Friend of mine teaches 3rd grade, he's a functional alcoholic, kind of fat, a very good teacher, and told the union to go get fucked, he wasn't joining. So there is the mixed bag that is Scott B. Evaluation day, before the superintendent comes in to do it, he grabs a stack of random papers, gets the classes attention and says

"Listen up. Mr. Shellinger is going to be coming in here today, and he's going to be watching how this class behaves. How you behave when he is here will determine whether we do THIS stack of worksheets for the rest of the day, or spend the rest of the day outside on our project." (mapping the playground, it's Scott's gay way to introduce geometry).

Kids are now squirming at the thought of spending the rest of the day outside instead of doing worksheets. Scott continues his bullshit:

"Now, here is what's going to happen. We're going to do social studies like normal, and I'm going to ask you about what we read yesterday. This is important: every time I ask a question, I want EVERY HAND IN THIS CLASSROOM TO GO UP. If you know the answer, you will raise your right hand. If you don't know the answer, you will raise your left hand, and I swear I will not call on you. But make no mistake, every time I ask a question, I want every hand in this room UP."

They do a few practice runs, the superintendent comes in, the kids are now obviously excited, grinning, paying attention, and of course ALL raising their hands at every single fucking question Scott asks. After school, during the debriefing, the superintendent begins the meeting with "You're a natural at this. There's no other way to say it, you have a natural way with those kids." And then proceeds to suck Scott's dick for 20 minutes, giving him a glowing evaluation that goes into his professional file, that is based on complete bullshit.

This stupid story is to illustrate a larger point: that the current method of evaluating teachers consists of looking at student test scores, and observations like this. That's it. Now Scott is actually a really good teacher. He busts his ass in there on weekends, cutting shit out, changing out his posters, class centers, updating the class bookworm, and all the other stupid shit elementary teachers do. The problem is that shitty teachers can fool the supe on evaluation day also; it's easy as fuck to do, and it's routinely done. I don't have a solution to offer, just sharing some inside info.
Blacks/Mexicans Vs one of the whitest states other Maine.

Didn't you say in the last thread that even with good teaches, you can do a lot with bad populations?

Persuasive argument

for Vanster's position.

You're barely typing English.