So I reactivated my WoW account...

You chose poorly.

Should have at least waited until Cataclysm releases, most likely around springtime. Unless Blizzard plans to re-do an old dungeon like BWL to extend the content flow.
I haven't played in almost a year now. I'll probably reactivate my account around the time 4.0 hits and just mess around until I get bored in the xpack.
I think the Cataclysm doesn't hit until Nov. of 2010.

I thought so too, but they have long toted (since TBC) Arthas would be the final boss of the WotLK expansion. And here he comes in 3.3 in probably... Maybe a month or so, at the earliest? You average three months per major content and you got roughly... Maybe January or February until 3.3 reaches the potential 3-month mark? That's a good 7 - 9 months until a proposed date of Q4 2010. That sounds like a lot of time between expansions, unless they plan on rolling out a good 2 - 4 content patches in that time.

Not saying it won't be Q4 2010, but with their stance Arthas is the last boss of WotLK and 3.3 just on the horizon I dunno what they would do to fill the gap.
Yea sorry it won't be spring. It might come out in the summer, but at that point they'd just wait for the Xmas season.
Not saying it won't be Q4 2010, but with their stance Arthas is the last boss of WotLK and 3.3 just on the horizon I dunno what they would do to fill the gap.
They could open the other sanctums under Wyrmrest temple, expand the area in the hole under ICC, revamp more of the classic raids like they did Onyxia, or add new battlegrounds.
May/June for expansion.

They've been working on it since before Wrath.

6-7 months/content patch seems to be Blizz's MO.

3.3 in December.