
Everything so far appeals to me except the gamespy aspect. I want that on my system again about as much as AIM and it's unwanted bs.
You know, I hate to say it but if I knew this was going to involve Gamespy, I prolly would not have bought it. I have not had great past experiences with Gamespy. Guess I should have read more but the damn game footage looked too kewl. Someone better have changed Gamespy over the years or this will just be another game collecting dust on my shelf. I've grown to love Steam and thought this would naturally be played over it because it is being offered there. Guess we will have to see how it goes. The game looks neat. Gamespy though...not sure bout that.

This is exactly how I feel. Since it was sold over steam I figured steam would be the browser of choice.

I cannot say how much I hate gamespy. The company and the product. Had I known, I would not have bought it for PC.

It's all internal to the game, like Battlefield 2, Call of Duty series.

You don't have to install Gamespy Arcade crap.

They have already said, it requires a gamespy account. The only thing worse than giving them an email address is putting their shitware on my system.
I'll agree with you that every game that has used Gamespy for the internal server browser sucks but it's not like Games for Windows LIVE where you have to install an external application or have something idling in your task trey to play the game.

as long as we can plug in an IP address to join a game I'm sure we'll figure out a way to make it work.
I'll agree with you that every game that has used Gamespy for the internal server browser sucks but it's not like Games for Windows LIVE where you have to install an external application or have something idling in your task trey to play the game.

as long as we can plug in an IP address to join a game I'm sure we'll figure out a way to make it work.
id rather not have to "make it work"

if i buy it will be on 360
This is exactly how I feel. Since it was sold over steam I figured steam would be the browser of choice.

I cannot say how much I hate gamespy. The company and the product. Had I known, I would not have bought it for PC.
Now that I know this game uses Gamespy, I will not be purchasing it. I fucking hate that shit. It ruined DoW's multiplayer.
rapher, did you guys get the name Roland from stephen king's Dark Tower? just wondering as the two worlds definitely share similarities

Honestly, I don’t know. The name Roland pre-dates my time on the project. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good answer here!

What about us PC whores? :)

I doubt I’ll be playing the PC version in addition to the 360, so I can’t make any promises. For the PC players, I would recommend getting in on the 4 for $134.97 deal on Steam. This is an absolute steal! Find some friends, chip in, and you are going to be happy with the decision! Again, because the game auto balances based on the number of players in a game, you can expect better loot (and more of it) with 4 players.

On that note, I don’t have a solution for the PS3 players, either. I just haven’t purchased a PS3 yet.
The Gamespy aspect sucks a bit, but it will still be better on the PC then Consoles I would guess. I think 34$ on steam for the 4 pack per player is a lot nicer then the 59$ or whatever it will cost on Xbox.
Love the intro. Game has plenty of attitude; hope it stays that way throughout.

For those worried about Gamespy, I totally agree with you. It's not a deal breaker for me like some of you, though. The game DOES have LAN play and a peer to peer process of connecting players, so I'm guessing you can use external programs such as Hamachi to connect...Just a thought.
It's not a deal breaker for me like some of you, though. The game DOES have LAN play and a peer to peer process of connecting players, so I'm guessing you can use external programs such as Hamachi to connect...Just a thought.

:lol: I sure hope it's not a deal breaker for you, I don't think I can take a gifted game back.
rapher, did you guys get the name Roland from stephen king's Dark Tower? just wondering as the two worlds definitely share similarities

I was thinking that too, seeing how in the posted skill calculator "gunslinger" is one of the subclasses. Unfortunately, Roland is the soldier, and the gunslinger subclass is in hunter. :|