WAR is officially dead, looks like WoW is the winner

The thing I miss most about Dark Age of Camelot was the political aspect of the game, being a TW guild amidst a sea of idiots in an alliance who hated us. They couldn't stand our TW methods, but they wouldn't get rid of us since we had the most realm points per player of any guild in Albion on Percival.
Oh give me a break WoW PVP is easy even at the highest tiers of world and 2k+ arenas. It's been proven time and time again that even keyboard turning retards can still kill people occasionaly due to RNG and abilities and that a handful of players can carry scrubs to 2k+ without batting an eye for years.

WAR isn't some omg skill based either but I know for a fact that I cannot kill a few certain classes w/ my own class considering equal skill and gear no matter what because they are actual counters like WoW was supposedly trying to have till it broke the game beyond repair and now anyone can kill anyone.

Plus zerg PVP is only as bad as you make it. If you roam in a small group you can still get small group fights but at least when there is a zerg going on it's not because some pussies are scared to fight you or because you don't want someone to interrupt your dailies or primal farming. It's contributing towards an actual cause to affect the game world.

So how many 2k+ teams were you on?

i bet its a number between 1 and -1

I like how you say I BET YOU WERE BAD AT ARENA since you can't make the stock WoW forum response of quoting someone's arena rating. =P

Never played arena. Had nothing to do with accountability. I don't need or want to pvp for points. Especially not when said points, acquired only by time /played, make you win over other players with less time /played.

Don't even begin to lecture anyone on the arena system, as it's shortcomings are well-known and acknowledged even by arena players =P

exactly what i said, you dont want to be held accountable in PvP, carebear

anybody who says /played is the measuring stick of wow is a moron who never really got into any wow content.
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So how many 2k+ teams were you on?

i bet its a number between 1 and -1

exactly what i said, you dont want to be held accountable in PvP, carebear

anybody who says /played is the measuring stick of wow is a moron who never really got into any wow content.

win trading or grinding hundreds of matches doesn't equate to being good.. neither does losing 10 a week for weeks on end just for the gear to then attempt a run... see how much of a joke this crap was
WAR seems to be well on its way to becoming DAoC 2, good ideas, bad execution, and in the end a small, loyal fanbase.

In WAR the lack of balance in the xp and gear from the instances, scenarios, open RvR, and questing makes most of it pointless. Scenarios give so much more XP that if you have a good group you can just grind all day, which blows everything else away, and wears thin after a bit. Defending keeps is probably the most fun I have had in an MMO but there is no incentive to do it, and if you want to level it slows that to a crawl (That is with constant attackers too). Taking keeps is a bit better, but it still couldn't compare to scenarios. Questing XP doesn't really scale, at all. We told Mythic that in beta and they said they fixed it, but it seemed like they made it only slightly better when it needed a total overhaul, to me at least. Dungeons are even worse than quests, in WoW getting a group and efficiently doing raids is a rewarding experience, giving you better XP and better gear. In WAR the XP is total garbage and the gear is worse, it has a few of every stat, half of which you don't really need, so the gear you get to chose from quests is twice is good for the most part.

Mythic built some amazing content and the forgot to give people a reason to go see it other than to see it, so the end result is once you burn out on the scenarios you burn out on the game. I was hoping Mythic would fix these issues, or at least try, but they seem to be repeating DAoC's mistakes, ignoring problems they don't think exist, no matter how many people say they do.
I would like to officially declare WarHammer Online as dead. I base this on a few factors.

First, DactheHork, long time beta supporter of WAR has officially quit; his thread can be seen here: Cancelled Account by DacTheHork - TribalWar Forums

Then, all the people I know who quit WoW for WAR, claiming WAR to be the official WoW-killer, and WoW to be a stupid dumb game, have gone back to WoW. The superstar of the group, our very own Benedict Falhawk.

Personally, I can see why this happened. I actually had a chance to play WAR, up until level 10 where I decided it was not all that it claimed to be (a casual PVP encounter game with no grinding). There was also the issue of animation. In short, the animations were terrible, and it didn't help any that level of detail animations dropped frames at higher distances. WoW may have some ugly low resolution textures on some objects, and fairly simple geometry, but everything is fluid and believable. I think the lack of fluid motion in WAR hurt it the most since it kept people distant from the actual game world.

Which will lead me into why I think people are going back to WoW. WoW has a lot of grindy, unenjoyable shit; it can be frustrating, it can make you hate other people in real life, it can cause divorce and some cases even death. Why would people play a game like this? My guess is that people invest themselves emotionally into the world. It does such a great job of creating an alternative environment that even though you may derive the worst emotions out of the game, it's only because the opposite is true as well. WAR didn't have that, it didn't piss you off, but it never really made you feel good. It was absolutely mediocre.

I still don't plan on coming back to WoW. I recognize it as a great game, and it can be a ton of fun, but I know it brings out the worst in people. It's also a huge waste of time, /played is one of the most depressing things you can do in game. Maybe when I'm 70 years old and World of StarWarcraft Advanced 15th expansion is out it'll give me something good to escape to. Or maybe if I get aids, or brain cancer or something I could use it then. But right now I think there are other things that need doing. That's not to say the rest of you should stop playing, I hope you're enjoying it. I hope you also get a smug feeling like I do seeing another fantasy MMO fail.

RIP Warhammer Online. September 2008-November 2008
Please tell me this is a joke post. For the love of god, please.

I read the thread title and almost spit up my water I laughed so hard.

Dead? are you serious? A few players from a shitty group of TW players who couldn't even keep together a guild on a single server quit, and the game is dead? Did you seriously expect the BE guild to last or go anywhere?

I play WoW atm, but calling WAR dead right now is fucking comdey gold. Shitty games like Ryzom and Matrix Online have servers running and are still charging for subs - and you're going to sit here and call Warhammer Online, probably the best selling MMO since WoW, dead. Go get a fucking clue and gtfo off the internet. WoW is not the be all end all of MMOs, it isn't the entire genre - go get informed before you make wild inflamatory thread titles like this you blowjob monkey.

And since you appear to be as dense as a brick wall: no game is going to "win" this imaginary war against WoW. Nothing will ever reach the sub #'s that WoW has and nothing will ever reach the mainstream status of WoW (Second Life doesn't count) - so forget it. If you thought WAR was going to somehow come in and jack any chunk of the WoW playerbase, you need to give me the shit you were smoking. WAR is a niche MMORPG, appealing to an entirely different group of players than WoW.

Blizzard and WoW are like Nintendo and the Wii/DS. No matter what the fuck they do and no matter what any other publisher does, they will continue to print money and stay on top because of being the first to break into mainstream and then snowballing into the monolith they are now. History has been made, you can't change it now.
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I play WoW atm, but calling WAR dead right now is fucking comdey gold. Shitty games like Ryzom and Matrix Online have servers running and are still charging for subs - and you're going to sit here and call Warhammer Online, probably the best selling MMO since WoW, dead. Go get a fucking clue and gtfo off the internet. WoW is not the be all end all of MMOs, it isn't the entire genre - go get informed before you make wild inflamatory thread titles like this you blowjob monkey.
u foamn bro?

semantics aside, warhammer isnt dead but it's basically suffering a heart attack at the age of 2.

not dead but it ain't pretty

i can hardly find players that aren't just wandering around in groups of 150+ taking empty keeps.

people have literally flocked away from warhammer; even weeks before wotlk came out. if you even played warhammer you would know what happened when wotlk DID come out.

they began offering transfers OFF servers with low populations. they basically starting killing servers because people left the game in droves in order to try to concentrate players on specific servers. do you think they started emptying servers after one month because... the game is doing well?

sure it's not dead but it sure ain't thriving. and it sure ain't improving.

the game is still loaded with ridiculous bugs and glitches they STILL haven't even begun to acknowledge nm fix, the classes are terribly balanced, pve content is worthless, and rvr is suffereing from bad player habits and playstyles... (zerging).

anyways, yeah... take that from someone who actually plays the game... feel free to quote "sale numbers" while waiting for your next AV run or something.
just amazes me how many people in this thread just took his word for it that it's "dead"

no MMO is dead until they pull a Earth and Beyond or Hellgate London on it. If it's still taking subs and running servers, it probably still has a nice niche and a nice community. Some of the best MMO communities out there are for games with smaller pops. Just look at WoW - gigantic playerbase, horrible community for the most part.

Not sure what your angle is Pagy, can't tell if you've been using sarcasm or not. Always took you as a WoW lifer, so I assume that's where your loyalty lies.

And nah, not foamin - the thread title and OP just sounded like some shit you would read on the gamespot or gametrailers forums or something and it struck a nerve. Complete uninformed bullshit based off a single persons myopic, biased, and jilted opinion of a gaming genre and industry they obviously don't know shit about.
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wow is one of the worst games i played in my life only made fun due to the hilarious group i played with. that group is gone and i wont go near that piece of trash if you paid me.

again you're claiming a game isnt dead until the servers are gone... you're arguing semantics. if you want a better way to describe it, try "warhammer has cancer and you have 2 years to live"

dead? no. dying, yes.

the game can get better if they fix the issues and they adjust realm populations. sure. but without a huge subscriber base, it's harder to release new content, harder to fix content... an mmo survives based on the developer's willingness to support it and that depends on revenue. it's all a business case.

anyhow, i liked warhammer. i just hate waiting months for patches that should come out in smaller batches... i hate waiting for players to wake up and actually fight. i dont regret the time i played but i dont see a future in it either.
Perhaps, I haven't logged in WAR in at least a month, so I guess I can't comment on it's population issues - but even still, it's all skewed if you compare any game's "thriving" state to WoW's idea of "thriving." So that's semantics in itself.

All MMOs would appear to be dying if you judged them after the first few months, sub #'s will always take a hit, with the biggest one being after the free month is over. WOTLK dropping is just a sucker punch. IMO, things will look up after a while - I don't see them pulling the plug on it ever though. DAOC is still alive and chugging, I don't see why WAR would die.

Oh, and love how he made this thread in the WoW subforum, just icing on the cake. Bravo.
win trading or grinding hundreds of matches doesn't equate to being good.. neither does losing 10 a week for weeks on end just for the gear to then attempt a run... see how much of a joke this crap was
It's a good thing most teams didn't do either one of these then, isn't it.

We played one night a week for a couple hours. 2300+ 5v5, top 10.
It's a good thing most teams didn't do either one of these then, isn't it.

We played one night a week for a couple hours. 2300+ 5v5, top 10.

good, put that on your resume. i'm happy for you. but its the system being so flawed that takes the air out of it anyway.
good, put that on your resume. i'm happy for you. but its the system being so flawed that takes the air out of it anyway.
The system is fine. Whether or not you like arena is a completely different issue.

Personally, I don't really care for arena, and I really don't care for the zergfest that WAR was when I played.
win trading or grinding hundreds of matches doesn't equate to being good.. neither does losing 10 a week for weeks on end just for the gear to then attempt a run... see how much of a joke this crap was

losing 10 a week is for sucky ass noobs

you wont rule the arena world but you can win games in blue and green gear
you can beat people in similar gear but you have no chance beating a team in better gear.. even if you do everything right

like a team with season 1.5 gear versus season 3 gear/2 weapon that got it from losing... to have any chance in arena you must have started from the beginning OR have really nice PVE gear. otherwise get ready to grind your ass off