Why are so many black teenage males in jail?

Which again comes down to the fact the entire race suffers from below average intelligence.

Stupid is as stupid does
Which again comes down to the fact the entire race suffers from below average intelligence.

Stupid is as stupid does

No, I do think that's it. Thomas Sowell has gone into depth about it. Blacks were on the path to prosperity and used to have higher rates of staying married. All until welfare came in.

Read/watch some of his stuff. Thomas Sowell is a national treasure.
Gang members are about the closest to the German Waffen SS as you can get.

The way it was described to me, the 60's and 70's movement to empower people was partially funded and supported by some foreign governments because it undermined the US authority. Anything that hurt the US was deemed as partially good, as a strategic aim, no mater how it was done.

But then there were funding issues, and once things got more fair, and the economy improved radically in the 1970's and Vietnam ended, people felt heard and there was no longer a core need to protest and rebel as much.

So drug sales and gangs became the new way to do it, because it enforced lawlessness, provided incentives in monetary rewards and lawlessness, and it indoctrinated youth in a way not used since the training camps of the Waffen in Germany. It was the new enemy army within the enemy state.

This is why the premier said recently that rap music would be used for "political purposes" in Russia. They were finally acknowledging what it was.
The fall of black men? Don't they have to climb to some height before you can really say they fell?

Unless he meant they fell and can't get up
I definitely know whose fault it ISN'T

Black men.

It's someone else's fault. For sure.
I watched the videos on this page.

Fathers / Single Moms is correct. But that's not the fault of white people. The black mom doesn't tell the kids to get straight A's in school because they don't even watch their kids. They're too busy getting knocked up and gaming the system with their EBT card.

The other problem is jealousy. Blacks what the same things white people have, yet they didn't get the education for a higher paying job. It's forced with affirmative action. Companies use the "degree" requirement to weed out everyone.
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Here's a question, to nobody in particular:

Is it reasonable to expect people to try to integrate into a society that takes it as an axiom that they are incapable of doing so, and treats them with a priori disdain and suspicion?
Here's a question, to nobody in particular:

Is it reasonable to expect people to try to integrate into a society that takes it as an axiom that they are incapable of doing so, and treats them with a priori disdain and suspicion?

No, it is not.
It is reasonable to realize just how huge the error was to import them as slave/cheap labor or let them immigrate in the first place and to send them elsewhere.
It is reasonable for them that find living in said society so unpalatable to request refugee status in any of a couple dozen other countries that like to criticize so much. Hell, discounted or fully subsidized one-way tickets should be provided.
Here's a question, to nobody in particular:

Is it reasonable to expect people to try to integrate into a society that takes it as an axiom that they are incapable of doing so, and treats them with a priori disdain and suspicion?

Are you talking about flyover state Trump supporters or black people?
amadeus getting pounded like a turd by feet through a new york subway sewer grating yet again in here

poor little pony




anyone follow how this happened?


keeps happening everywhere all the time

show me a single major city that is majority black and not a 3rd world shithole and I will change my mind. Just one......anywhere on planet.......I'll be here waiting

I mean you could argue it was all about jobs......not people and their politics


but then how do you explain this?

the hard boundary, much like we see between Haiti and Dominican Republic, where one set of politicians and another begin and end


You can almost taste and smell the differences....not just in the dirt cookies

for anyone interested in this topic, why it appears like the only thing Africa has, even to this very day, are the product of white people and Colonialism, an era older blacks actually still long for the return of (the golden era) check out the Chinese trying to help Africa restore their former glory.....most eye opening thing you will ever see on the topic

even for a legit Chinese man

Yeah, I'm not saying any of that though.

- Do you agree that there was a massive influx of slaves from Africa to Europe/America?

- Do you agree that a society that utilizes slavery can achieve technological progress faster than one that doesn't?

- Do you agree that technological progress is expedited by population size at an exponential rate?

They were pack animals, nothing more. The work would have eventually been done by whites, if there was no other option. You act like they invented silicon chips. They did some manual labor at the direction of whites.