whoever suggested exercise...*strangle*

GigaFool said:
holy shit

he went outside for 10 mins and got shit on by a bird and hit with a cup thrown from a car

this obviously isn't just a tw phenomenon

the world really does hate mav

nah just when you're as fat as mav you make a bigger target for random shit to hit you.
Mav said:
bordem compiled with the constant suggestions of exercise, I figure "ok ill go outside today". Dawning sun glasses (so my eyes werent set afire from this thing people call the "sun") and a new pair of tennis shoes I decide to go for a walk.

Our neighborhood isn't totally huge, about 4 major cul-de-sacs and various roads and turns. So I walk about 1/3 of it, which I can still see my house through some trees from across the way I figure "ok I'll go on". After about 30 minutes or so I've covered almost the whole thing and on my way back.

Either I have the worst luck in the world or someone orchestrated this. On the way back, I feel something hit my shoulder. I figure it was a neighbor coming up to say hi, but I look up and I see a couple birds flying over head. Then I feel the dampness on my shoulder...(you get the picture). And as I come back to the one street thats next to mine, I hear a car behind me so I move closer to the edge of the road. Whoever it was, was playing some loud music or whatever and suddenly a fucking empty cup hits me in the head. I dont think whoever it was, was aiming at me as they just drove on but damn...

So I make it back home, total time about 45 minutes or so. I live on a large up hill, so the drudge up the driveway was trying. I think I took about 10 minutes to sit down, cool off and catch my breath. Now I'm dead tired, my legs are fucking killing me and my feet hurt.

Oh and I get to do it all again tommorrow (hopefully minus the bird shit).

First thing that came to mind "well you are sort of a large target".

Second thing that came to mind "why not lift instead?". I went from a size 36 to 32 waist in under a month just from lifting every other day, 2-3hours each time. I find that when I get into full swing with my lifting, I'm constantly hungry, and no matter how much I eat, no matter how hard I try to put on weight, I just can't do it. Muscle that's just sitting around doing nothing burns calories, and lifting puts on a whole lot of muscle. Running/walking is great for your heart, don't get me wrong, but I think someone in your predicament might benefit more from weights than from running.

I mean, think about it, you're a pretty big guy right? So it's kind of hard for you to go any real distances right? So while you're doing good by walking, you're not doing the most effective stuff with your time. In my opinion, you'd be better off going down to walmart or Target, buying yourself a cheap bench and some weights, and doing weights at home. You'll be able to lift better than you can walk/run, you've already been carrying around all that extra weight for this long, so you must have some pretty good muscle tone already, you just need to really exercise those muscles, get em workin well and you'll see the weight just melt off.

But :shrug: I'm no nutritionist, I could just be talking out of my ass. All I know is when I lift, I have a hard time keeping my weight up, I eat like a horse and still the pounds just fall off.
Phrozen said:
I just started exercising again yesterday. I ran around the block, about 1.3 miles and puked twice right after I finished. Oh well, its good for me in the long run.

you get to be bulimic without the eating disorder
SeVeReD said:
surf anywhere near oceanside let me know. Going out tomorrow... but waters getting cold again brrr

Havn't been to Oceanside in quite a long time man.

I fly out to Maui on the 8th, find me at Honolua Bay.