Who the fuck was Mr. Crowley?

:rofl: isuk a team consisting of 4 BE members just mopped the floor against CDC 8 maps in a row last week. You probably haven't found the new bypass yet, let me know when you do so we can crush you some more.
I remember playing CDC 3v5 in a match when I was on PE. We lost 8-3, 8-1.

They were so blatantly cheating that when we threatened to send our demos in to TWL, they quickly accepted the loss instead, to avoid getting banned.

I remember it being KoRn and RuM on O, and me on D.

Those were the good days.

Oh and lol at BE. I had a lot of fun playing on that team. It's true that for most of the team's life it was comprised of shitty players, but for a time after I joined we were, uh, solid. I sometimes catch a peek of chump wearing his BE tag alone in hackington, just skiing around while remembering the glory days.
For me the glory days were the OGL composite league days before everyone became fixated on ctf and played Starsiege Tribes the way it was meant to be played.
i wondered why there was an 11 page thread about Aleister Crowley

i was lucky enough to lead my own dream team for quite a few years, it ruled
Team BITCH, greatest LT team ever.

The only people who hate LT are the former Base players who couldn't (and can't) hack it in light armor. There is no hand-holding or letting a team of 9 carry you; you are either clutch 24/7 or your team loses. Besides, LT is basically dueling + skiing/capping as fast as possible; how could it suck?

(jm5k for best player ever)