Who the fuck was Mr. Crowley?

proto me redspider n some other arena pals were probably top duelers for a littleb it in tribes around i guess 2003 or 04 whatever that was

i remember totally smashing milk man and him crying

redspider lol

rasta and I was on some server when he first played and I got a good laugh.

what, i barely played with you spiderman

maybe a little team rabbit and me fucking around on norcal in like 02?

i'm just going off of you running your mouth for the last 4 years or so on TW trying to convince everyone of your own relevance when it's pretty clear you didn't even pick up the game until tribes was practically dead
yeah I've been wondering what started him off on this massive 'I played tribes back in the day me me me me me me me' trip he's been going on recently

see post above

just because i like to talk about tribes doesn't mean i was good or "old school"

don't get touchy
Except for the fact that the abilities and talents that allowed those players to dominate during the peak era would translate to the later periods with almost zero losses.

It isn't as if the different eras brought about physiological changes in the players (like in a real sport) via nutrition or training advances. If anything, improving technology (connections, servers, frame rates) reduced the amount of skill required to play at a given level.

Given the same motivation and dedication that made them great in the first place, there is no reason that the early players could not have competeted with the later players.

While I agree that if they had continued playing or if they got the chance to pick it up again more than likely they would rise to the top once again, I'm assuming we're choosing players at their skillsets when they "retired." Although because of the next post...

Well seeing as how I played on -W- when we were #1 on the ladder for a long time against KoV, tm, and RR....I'm pretty sure I can give you a good opinion on this. Play has not evolved to where the old school guys would not still be ridiculously good. In fact, =S3= DeathHavoc was -W-'s HoF, and the guy was really damn good even though he basically just showed up for matches.

Considering he actually has experience to say otherwise, I can't really argue.
I think cyanide and spiderman are trolling you guys. They didnt really play tribes...did they?

lol I don't think nutz ever lost to DI. You must have been 10 when DI was around?

I think you're hilarious now cy, but back then you were a total fag :)