Which fps are you playing?

I'm playing Rainbow Six: Siege

It's the best FPS to come out in many years. It's very strategic and you always feel tense. It feels great when a next level strategy pays off.

was watching a diamond rank stream. everyone was so afraid to rush, just pussy footing around corners. kinda sucked, but it looked fun.
I miss having a good team combat game to jump into now and then. I recently uninstalled several mp games because I realized I was still playing them out of habit more than having fun (including CS:GO).

Currently playing some Vermintide, not because it's that great, but it's pretty fun for a while with friends. Really lacking a good team shooter though, and hoping for something that doesn't suck, with decent gui, physics and netcode, and hopefully not overly hacked. Am I dreaming?
thats why i got into rust. you play with a group and when you go to raid people's bases or even just go out and leave yours your tension level is waay up. it's super fun
That's neat but the foliage should remain trampled. How much cover does foliage offer from a greater view distance, most games only render dense foliage near players but to other players far away it looks like you're standing on a dirt mound.

I like the detail on the weeds though ;)
Rust was amazing and the new version is really neat, but i just can't get into it.

I'm just really fucking hooked on CS:GO nowadays.

Planning to play Firewatch sometime soon though. Looks fun.
That's neat but the foliage should remain trampled. How much cover does foliage offer from a greater view distance, most games only render dense foliage near players but to other players far away it looks like you're standing on a dirt mound.

I like the detail on the weeds though ;)

Yeah, some of the compounds have little fields inside with weed plants that need some big buds though, they gotta have some buds here and there. ;) It is incredibly dense from a distance with the graphics all the way up, so much that the guys making the maps recommend lighter settings for now as they continue to tweek them. It looks awesome either way but I'm actually liking the devs settings cause it's easier to see who's shooting at you yet still incredibly detailed, even at good distances. Still way early in dev but no doubt this will continue to get better, especially once all the vehicles and aircraft get here, there may be some humvees with this next patch, or by Aprils patch. Not a Rambo game though.. Far Cry 4 Primal review was awesome btw..

Kohat Valley 2015 some vid from last year
Firewatch is barely a game. There was hardly any interactions like use x object on y. The only one I can think of was when you find an axe and use it to clear a path but that was scripted, you couldn't run around chopping stuff with your axe.

I don't feel sorry for the backlash they've gotten on it, they spent two or three years making a boring walking simulator.